Wednesday, June 07, 2006
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
Why watch YouTube?
Watch YouTube because of what you'll see. You'll see humanity. You'll see yourself. Think about your own personality and behavior as I describe what's on YouTube. You'll see People showing off, people who are lonely, people having fun with their friends, people defending themselves against critics, people performing for others, people commenting on other people, people crying, people laughing, ... people living!
Why do so many people watch YouTube?
People watch for different reasons. Some come for a laugh, some come for a break from work, some come to see what others are doing to get ideas for their own videos, some come to see who is popular. People just naturally like to watch other people. For years, people have gone to the park or the mall or the beach, to see and be seen. Now that technology lets us upload videos, people can see and be seen in a new way. YouTube streams millions of videos each day. You'll love some and dislike others. I'll try to point out some of the better clips in this blog.
Why YouTube and not some other video sites?
YouTube is the most popular video site. It has the best videos and the most popular personalities. It has the largest collection of videos and more are uploaded every day. You can watch the videos easily. You don't need to download a video player. You can watch on a slow connection; just click the Pause button and let the video download. Once the gray progress bar reaches the end of its travels, click Play and enjoy the show!
Is YouTube safe for children to visit or post to?
Parents would always monitor the internet use of their children. Parents should decide which sites their children are allowed to visit and/or post to. The YouTube Terms of Use state that YouTube is not intended for children under 13 (see clause 9). Parents of children under 18 should monitor what their children post on YouTube. Parents should be aware of the dangers of any type of posting on the internet. Please read YouTube's Safety Tips. Also, please read NBC's "To Catch a Predator" website. If you are an adult with any thoughts of deviant behavior with a minor, please seek professional help.
Why read this blog?
I will be discussing the most popular, and in my opinion, some of the best videos on YouTube. It may save you some time if you come here first. There's a lot of dull, inane and even rude clips on YouTube; I'll try to help you avoid those. You might learn of a YouTube member here, and you may become a fan of theirs after watching a recommended video. You might laugh yourself silly and have a huge grin on your face for hours after watching a funny video mentioned here. You might be touched, you might learn something, you might be repulsed or angered, you might even discover something about yourself.
What will the posts be about?
I will be commenting on YouTube videos and members, both old and new. I'll go back and forth between old favorites and new undiscovered gems. Most posts will contain at least one video, embedded in the post, and with a link to the video on YouTube. I'll also be doing interviews of YouTube members so that you can learn more about them!
How can I improve YouTube?
Go make a video! Plan out the scenes, rehearse the performance, edit the scenes, add transitions and titles, and upload it to YouTube! Or, adlib on the spot in front of your cellphone camera. Make something that you think is good, something entertaining or educating, and post it for the world to see. A Note On Comments: I think that it would be helpful to elevate the feedback comments to a more positive level. People can make their feelings known without resorting to personal attacks, crude language and vulgar remarks. Go to YouTube and see what's there. But when it comes to commenting, be nice and be mature about it!
Is there a YouTube Message Board or Forum?
Yes! There is a website called where you can discuss YouTube members and videos. You must be a member to post; it's free to register. I have a Child Board there, called "Kenny's Column". Stop by and say hello!
Where should I start?
If you told me you were only going to watch one video, I'd tell you to watch "The Evolution of Dance" by motivational speaker, comedian and YouTube member, Judson Laipply. In this hilarious 6-minute video that has already been viewed over 20 MILLION times, Jud demonstrates many dance moves that have come and gone over the last 40 years. This particular video IS SAFE for family viewing and is guaranteed to make you LAUGH!!!
Although I have an account I cannot login. My e-mail is not recognized as a valid one altough I have received e-mails from youtube. It does not work and no detailed explanations are offered on how to log. It so happens that I have several user names for the various Google sites and these seem to interact with each other resulting in utter confusion!
I need to have instructions on how I can post video footage on Youtube. What soft/hard-ware do I need, etc. but cannot find any such information.
I need to have instructions on how I can post video footage on Youtube. What soft/hard-ware do I need, etc. but cannot find any such information.
this site is pretty cool, and ima let you finish, but google video is one of the best internet media websites EVER
"this site is pretty cool, and ima let you finish, but google video is one of the best internet media websites EVER"
LOLLLLLLL!!!! GREAT comment!
Kanye West versus Taylor Swift:
LOLLLLLLL!!!! GREAT comment!
Kanye West versus Taylor Swift:
Please check out my Vlogging!
I just love Vlogs! Or Video Blogs as some people call them lol!
And I'm holding a competition too :)
I just love Vlogs! Or Video Blogs as some people call them lol!
And I'm holding a competition too :)
Hey guys I've just started youtube about 3 months ago now I post 1 every 2 days and also post call of duty but any other games and I will be ok to play them. If you want to go check out my channel here is the link -
Never quit making this blog!! This is the most epic thing on the internet. I'm walking down nostalgia lane right now. I was one of those cats that found Youtube back when TheWineKone ruled the day. I still remember running into Abbegirl and later Katers17 date response vid. Classic! You have no idea how insanely awesome it is coming back here and remembering where things were back then. How many views videos got back then. Remembering old names like Boh3m3 and LisaNova. Or the LonelyGirl15 scandal. I was around before it all went down, but I was the only kid who didn't watch her videos, so I just ducked under all that drama and rocked myself over to Ask a Ninja. Awesome times!
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YouTubeStars and YouTube are not affiliated in any way.
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