Thursday, August 31, 2006
Cinema du jour, part 8
This is a recurring feature of YouTubeStars. I discuss some videos that were recently added to YouTube, or ones that I've just discovered. We'll start with a News video, then look at two serious films, and end with a comedy!
YTNews 24.8 -06
There are several YouTube members who are now doing news videos. A new and above-average News Program is being made by YTNews. The plan is to have multiple "reporters" who will make short news segments for upcoming News videos. Send a message to YTNews if you would like to get involved! Here is their first News program:
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Shoutouts to, Thanks!
Several YouTube members have been kind enough to mention in their videos! LittleLoca mentioned us back in July. Thanks! Dayoffproductions thanked us in the description to his great "I Love YouTube" video. Thanks!
If you have mentioned or KennyCrane in any of your videos, let us know so that we can Thank You too!
Here are some recent videos that mentioned or KennyCrane:
scriggity - episode 3 (8/17/06)
I mentioned this video in my news post but now I'm going to embed it here!
Scriggity is a project that produces videos for distribution under the getscriggity YouTube account. They make comedy/news videos under the motto, "Your news, Our spin". Shauna is their attractive news reporter. I submitted a news story to them about thewinekone interview and they spun it in the third story of this episode. Thanks! Let's watch:
If you can't see the video above, watch it at YouTube.
Youtube stars: You could be one too!
KwaiChi recommended and in this video. Thanks!
If you can't see the video above, watch it at YouTube.
IA Sitcom Ep. 0
Whee also recommends and at the start of this video. Thanks! Then she talks about her upcoming YouTube sitcom!
If you can't see the video above, watch it at YouTube.
The Aliboy guys made a shoutout video and mentioned Thanks!
If you can't see the video above, watch it at YouTube.
So many distractions! Part 2/3
Polkadots mentioned and KennyWrites (me) in this video where she hangs with here sister and answers questions about herself. Thanks!
If you can't see the video above, watch it at YouTube.
Mention us in one of your videos and we'll thank you here too!
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
YouTube Love Story! <3
Two popular YouTube members have fallen in love! We have been hearing parts of this story for the last several weeks from Blunty3000, the male component of this love affair. The story starts with Blunty (28-year-old Australian named Nate), telling us that he has met a wonderful woman on YouTube, and that she is flying half-way around the world to meet him!
RE: YouTube Competition - My Girl Is Cool!
Blunty3000 makes a response video to a video about a man who loves his wife and wants 20 people to tell about their "Cool girlfriend/wife". He offers $100 for the best story (the contest is still going on, enter!) He beams as he tells us about his "Mystery Girl"; watch!
If you can't see the video above, watch it at YouTube.
Mystery Girl Revealed
A few weeks go by and last weekend, Mystery Girl arrives at Nate's house! But who the heck is he introducing as Mystery Girl in this video??? That's no girl! Oh, wait, I think they are going to show her now... Ahh, the suspense! Do they really plan to tell us who she is, or not?
If you can't see the video above, watch it at YouTube.
Mystery Girl Revealed - PART 2
After nearly a minute more of playful suspense, Mystery Girl is revealed! It's..... I'm not going to tell you! Watch it yourself!
If you can't see the video above, watch it at YouTube.
lil' bout me.
Okay, you did watch the last video, didn't you? Now you know who Mystery Girl is. Let's learn a little about her. Watch this video as she talks about a new job that she loves!
If you can't see the video above, watch it at YouTube.
Do you have your own internet love story to tell?
Share it with us in the comments to this post!
Monday, August 21, 2006
Cinema du jour, part 7 - Songs and Dances
This is a recurring feature of YouTubeStars. I discuss some videos that were recently added to YouTube, or ones that I've just discovered. So here's the Movies of the day, part 7 - Songs and Dances.
Goodness Gracious, I Love YouTube
Last night, a cool new video was released by dayoffproductions. This is a film that packs a lot of fun in a little bit of time. A bunch of the better known YouTube members - Geriatric1927, Brookers, FilthyWhore, LittleLoca, Morbeck, Lazydork, Lisa Nova and more - are shown on the video while a clever parody song is sung to the tune of Jerry Lee Lewis' "Great Balls of Fire". If you need one video to show a friend what YouTube is all about, show them this one!
If you can't see the video above, watch it on YouTube.
LonelyGirl: Lazydork is Better Than You
Here's a funny and creative rap video by rickyste who also goes by the name Lazydork. This video came out on August 1st and was featured by YouTube. Now, it's had almost 440 thousand views and over 2600 comments! You'll get a laugh from watching this musical movie!
If you can't see the video above, watch it on YouTube.
Re: LonelyGirl: Lazydork is Better Than You
TheHill88, a 17-year-old Australian woman named Caitlan, made one of 11 response videos to Lazydork's rap. Her cute appearance and cool rap landed her, too, on YouTube's featured video list. This video, added just 4 days ago, has already had over 740 thousand views, over 6800 comments and 47 response videos! Watch and you'll see why!
If you can't see the video above, watch it on YouTube.
The Re-Evolution of My Musical Tastes
Here's a funny and entertaining video from NamaeganaiFilms, a 23-year-old man living in the US named Marcus. Marcus had to remake this video (hence the "Re-Evolution") because his landlady didn't want his apartment, shown in the original version, to be shown in his videos! The video chronicles Marcus' changing musical tastes over the last several years. He provides a sample of a song or two from each musical genre along with his excellent dance moves. If you loved the famous "Evolution of Dance" video, you'll love this one too!
If you can't see the video above, watch it on YouTube.
If you want to read the last "Cinema du jour" post, which includes a video by YouTube's #1 most subscribed member Geriatric1927, click here.
Friday, August 18, 2006
YouTubeStars News 8-18-06
There's a lot going on at YouTube these days! I'll use this post to report on some interesting items.
Congrats to geriatric1927! Peter, aged 79, is now the #1 Most Subscribed Channel of All Time! If you haven't seen him yet, go watch this gentleman as he talks about his long and interesting life. His style is straightforward, yet captivating. Peter has become an inspiration to the entire YouTube community.
LittleLoca and Silent Girl have done a photo shoot with LA photographer Sean Azul. The ladies are looking good as they walk around their East L.A. neighborhood. See the slideshow here.
FilthyWhore (Jacci Jageman) is working as an independent contractor for She does news reports about bands and the music scene. She has a blog at Riffage and has started a new account, riffagedotcom, on YouTube.
There is another new "news" program on YouTube, from Their YouTube account is getscriggity. Shauna reads news stories submitted by viewers and periodically pops up to flippantly comment on her own reports. It's hard to describe; you'll have to see it. Watch episode 3 - (8-17-06) on YouTube or on the Scriggity homepage; the third story is about our YouTubeStars thewinekone interview.
Cutiemish has landed a part in an upcoming movie. It has been said that the movie is The Margate Exodus. Congrats, Mishy! She talks about the movie in this video. Learn more about Mishy - read our interview with Cutiemish please.
YouTube itself is always in the news. Today there was an article in The Guardian that talks about YouTube's plans to host every music video ever made. If you want to read the latest news about YouTube, please visit YouTubeStars on Squidoo and scroll down to the third section, "YouTube in the News". It's the best way to learn the latest YouTube News! is the best place to discuss YouTube videos and members. Right now, there are over 11 thousand posts on over 1300 topics by over 1600 members. Join YouTubeTalk and see who's talking. You'll find well-known YouTube members such as FilthyWhore, Morbeck, thewinekone, boh3m3 and paytotheorderofofof posting on the forum. I have a child board there. My most popular topic is one about LonelyGirl15 and Daniel. We're discussing whether they are "real" or "fake". I announced the YouTubeStars Photo Gallery first on YouTubeTalk so many of the faces you see are YouTubeTalk members. Come join the friendly and well-moderated discussions at YouTubeTalk. Say hello in the Introductions lounge and say that you heard about YouTubeTalk on YouTubeStars!
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
YouTubeStars Photo Gallery
Here are pictures of some of the fine people who have made videos for YouTube. I created this Gallery so that our visitors can see a clearer, bigger picture of YouTube people - something more than they see on the smaller, often grainy videos. Scroll through the list and click on any picture to see a larger version.
If YOU want to get YOUR picture in this gallery, please email a clear, hi-resolution pic (or a link to it), to KennyCrane AT bellsouth DOT net. Include a link to your YouTube profile in the email. I'll be adding more pics as they come in. Show the world that you're a YouTubeStar! Get more traffic to your profile page! Send in your pic today!
Editor's note: We now have 70 pics in the Gallery. Thanks to everyone who sent one in so far!
NOTE: It's 2011 now and we're all a little older, and wiser! When viewing these pics, keep in mind that the ages given for each YouTuber was their age in 2006. Thanks!


AericWinter is a 29-year-old man who lives in Germany.

Allinyourasylum is a 18-year-old man who lives in Great Britian.

AwkRando is a man who lives in the U.S.

bsondahl is a 53-year-old man who lives in Idaho.

CaliShandyGirl is a 17-year-old woman who lives in Australia.

Castaa is a 35-year-old man who lives in California.

celestialsam is a 16-year-old woman who lives in the U.S.
Please watch some celestialsam videos. (April 08 - Sam is now 18! Please read the interview we just did with Sam. Thanks!)


chrystallinegreen is a 23-year-old woman who lives in Belgium.

Darahgna is a 16-year-old woman who lives in Wales.
Please read our feature article on Darahgna.


Donnie2020 is a 20-year-old man who lives in Australia.

envisionthestorm is a 24-year-old man who lives in Great Britian.

eveliiine is a woman who lives in Belgium.

FairyPixie is a 20-year-old woman who lives in Nebraska.

FreeWingz is a man who lives in US.

Freiteez is a 18-year-old man who lives in California.

F1lmJunkie is a 17-year-old man who lives in New Zealand.

IceflowStudios is a 19-year-old man who lives in Canada.

jarra83 is a 23-year-old woman who lives in Australia.

jennifernew21 is a woman who lives in the U.S.

Josh12s is a 31-year-old man who lives in Utah.

JoshRimer is a man who lives in Canada.

Kimberleigh is a 23-year-old woman who lives in Missouri.

KingAmaan is a 22-year-old man who lives in Canada.

KramMille is an 18-year-old man who lives in Maryland.

kobashii is an 18-year-old man who lives in the U.S.

KruemelchenCooky is an 18-year-old woman who lives in Germany.

KwaiChi is an 24-year-old man who lives in London, UK.
Please read the KwaiChi Interview.

kyromaster is an 25-year-old man who lives in Ontario, Canada.

Photo courtesy of Sean Azul.
LittleLoca is an 18-year-old woman who lives in California.
Please read our feature article on LittleLoca.

madonnaoverhere lives in the US.

mana122 is a 5'4" brown eyed girl who lives in Edmonton, Canada.
Please read our feature article on mana122.

markapsolon is a 28-year-old man who lives in Colorado.

matsie is an 18-year-old woman who lives in Louisiana.

MattPyrch is an 18-year-old man who lives in Connecticut.

MattyMJ2007 is a 22-year-old man who lives in Canada.

MikeSkullman is a 25-year-old man who lives in Nova Scotia, Canada.

Mikma is a man who lives in North Carolina.

MurkProductions are Olly and John who lives in the UK.

MysteryGuitarMan is an 19-year-old man who lives in Massachusetts.

ninaflute is a woman who lives in the US.

okse is a 32-year-old man who lives in the U.K.

PianoPlaya123 is a 24-year-old man who lives in Chicago.

polkadots is an 17-year-old woman who lives in Australia.

preacherman777 is an 37-year-old man who lives in Minnesota.

SadieDammit is a 38-year-old woman.

SamProof is a 33-year-old man who lives in California.

savannahlioness is a 20-year-old woman who lives in Toronto, Canada.

ScorchedHotTub is a 26-year-old man who lives in New York.

Photo courtesy of Sean Azul.
SilentGirl is an 19-year-old woman who lives in California.
Please read our Silent Girl interview.

stealurface1976 is a man who lives in Canada.

swisho is a 20-year-old woman who lives in Wisconsin.

thescameron is a 2 man team, Rex and Eddie, who live in the U.K.

TheSpooneyOne is a 20-year-old man who lives in the U.S.

thewinekone is a 21-year-old man who lives in Toronto, Canada.
Please read our thewinekone interview.

TipToeChick is a 26-year-old woman who lives in Georgia.

Toneman is a 24-year-old man who lives in Virginia.

usmedstudent is a 24-year-old man who lives in Massachusetts.

Vectorman18 is a 19-year-old man who lives in Aurora, Canada.

VenetianPrincess is a 22-year-old woman who lives in Massachusetts.

victoriasparda is an 18-year-old woman who lives in the US.

Whee is an 16-year-old woman who lives in New York.

xSJPx is an 20-year-old woman who lives in Canada.

YourNextEx is a man who lives in Texas.

YourTubeNEWS is a 20-year-old man who lives in Australia.

ysabellabrave is an 26-year-old woman who lives in California.
Please read our feature article on ysabellabrave.
Labels: Gallery, Photo, Pics, Pictures, YouTube, YouTubeStars
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