Monday, January 29, 2007
Cinema du jour 17 - Money, Love and Laughs!
This is part 17 in our continuing series, Cinema du jour, the movie of the day. In this post, we'll watch two videos about the upcoming changes at YouTube that supposedly will allow videomakers to share in the revenue generated by their videos. We'll also kick off the Saint Valentine's season of love by learning about Saint Dwynwen, the Welsh patron saint of Love. Then, if you haven't seen it yet, you'll get to watch one of the funniest segments from the TV show "Whose Line is it anyway?"
Before we get to the videos, I want to comment on this week's Top 100 Weekly Chart. The top 4 positions stayed the same, but miaarose continued her rapid rise by moving up 4 spots from number 9 last week to number 5. Renetto only dropped 2 places, from 18 to 16, despite the generally negative reaction to his "Traitor" video. He even gained 213 new subscribers! Have a look at the Weekly Chart and see who else moved up, moved down, or debuted this week.
Also, please read our newest LiveVideoStars post about two aspiring actresses, AllyCat and Iowagirl. Thanks!
Vloggin' For Dollars
Always insightful YouTube blogger Tom (tlg847) (read more here) has made a video about YouTube's future plans to introduce some form of revenue sharing - videomakers are supposed to be able to earn money from their YouTube videos. Tom talks about paid subscription versus ad supported models of video hosting business and concludes that ad supported systems seem to be more viable. Tom also makes the point that there's nothing wrong with being paid to make videos, but if a person is being paid to promote something, they should reveal that fact. He goes into a good amount of detail in this 10 minute video; it's very informative. Have a look and listen to what Tom has to say about this interesting pending development!
If you can't see the video above, watch it on YouTube.
Money, Money, Money, Money... Money is coming to YouTube.
Popular YouTube blogger Renetto (read more here) is back again with another video about YouTube paying videomakers to make videos. He states that he has been paid twice by YouTube for videos he has made but says that he does not know if any other members have been paid for videos. He also discusses what Tom talked about - the news that YouTube plans to pay videomakers in some sort of shared revenue arrangement. It may be financially rewarding to pay attention to this pending development!
If you can't see the video above, watch it on YouTube.
St Dwynwens Day
The delightful and always entertaining YouTube member known as Darahgna (read about her, here), also known as Angharad John, is back with a video about LOVE! It seems that January 25th was Saint Dwynwen's Day. Saint Dwynwen is the Welsh patron saint of Love, similar to Saint Valentine. Angharad tells us all about Dwynwen and her holiday. What a great start to the season of Love! I'm looking forward to more Love videos as Valentine's day approaches. =D
If you can't see the video above, watch it on YouTube.
Funniest Whose Line Ever
Have you seen this very funny segment from ABC's improv comedy show, "Whose Line is it anyway?" Over 800 thousand have! Richard Simmons joins the regular cast as they play the "living scenery" game. The cast and the audience almost go into convulsions from laughing hysterically! This probably shouldn't be viewed by young children or the easily offended, but the rest of you will laugh till you cry! :D
If you can't see the video above, watch it on YouTube.
Please read our last Cinema du jour, number 16 - it's here! That post mentions Renetto, Agent009, Paperlilies and Rickyste (LazyDork).
Also, please read our newest LiveVideoStars post about two aspiring actresses, AllyCat and Iowagirl. Thanks!
Monday, January 22, 2007
Cinema du jour 16 - YouTube Drama, Two Controversies!
This is part 16 in our continuing series, Cinema du jour, the movie of the day. In this post, we'll see both sides of two controversies that are raging at YouTube right now.
Before we get to the videos, I want to comment on this week's Top 100 Weekly Chart. The top 4 positions have not changed in months. It was Lonelygirl15, Smosh, Geriatric1927 and Brookers. This week, CBS debuts on the chart, and at the number 3 position! I don't know how they managed to get so many new subscribers in one week, but that's what happened. Have a look at the Weekly Chart and see who else moved up, moved down, or debuted this week.
Traitors or Not.. Smosh, Geriatric1927, Boh3m3, DIGITILsOuL?
Popular YouTube blogger Renetto (read more here) has jumped into the YouTube versus LiveVideo controversy (read about that, here) with both feet! He has accused many popular YouTubers of being traitors for posting videos over at LiveVideo. This video, posted two days ago, has been seen over 27 thousand times so far. It has generated a lot of strong reaction in the over 1500 comments and 100 video responses. Have a look and see what you think.
If you can't see the video above, watch it on YouTube.
Re: Traitors or Not.. Smosh, Geriatric1927, Boh3m3, DIGITILs
One of the many video responses to Renetto's "Traitor" video comes from Agent009. Mike, a 42-year-old man from Pennsylvania, puts forth the theory that Renetto may have gotten paid by YouTube to make his pro-YouTube video. He goes on to talk about the YouTube community and how YouTube is treating it. Be sure to also watch the video responses from Geriatric1927, DigitilSoul, VioletKitty411, spricket24, periurban and others, here.
If you can't see the video above, watch it on YouTube.
This weekend, a fundraising event took place on the Stickam video chat website to raise money for Kimberleigh so that she could replace her broken computer and get back to making her popular videos. Paperlilies made this video to publicize the event. The event was a success; over $1200 was raised for Kim's computer fund! Watch the always entertaining Bryony as she tells us about the event in her unique way.
If you can't see the video above, watch it on YouTube.
Don't go to Bobs4Kim!
Not everyone thought that the fundraising event for Kimberleigh was a good idea! One of the people who made a video to knock the event was rickyste, best known for his LazyDork character. Watch the video to hear his thoughts on the controversy. Also watch this interesting video on the topic, from IceFlowStudios.
If you can't see the video above, watch it on YouTube.
Please read our last Cinema du jour 15 - it's here! That post mentions LittleLoca, CutieMish, boh3m3 and Steve Zuwala.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Cinema du jour 15 - Loca, Mishy, Boh3m3, Zuwala
This is part 15 in our continuing series, Cinema du jour, the movie of the day. In this post, we'll see what's new with three YouTube icons and we'll hear a music video by a talented Country singer!
Before we get to the videos, I want to mention the amazing rise in popularity of miaarose, an 18-year-old singer who I wrote about in our last post. This week, she shot up 74 positions on the Top 100 Weekly Chart. WOW, congrats, mia!
Locas Back! and VOTE for your homegirl!
YouTubeStar LittleLoca hasn't made a video in a few weeks but she's back to tell us about her new year's resolutions and more. She asks us to vote for her in a contest that VH1 is having. According to the VH1 Web Junk TV site:
VH1 is counting down the 40 Greatest Internet Superstars and weThere are several YouTubers among the 40, including the "Evolution of Dance" guy Judson Laipply, Geriatric1927, Lonelygirl15, Mr. Pregnant and Renetto. Go and vote now! Make a YouTuber the winner of this contest!
need your votes to determine the list. From the Chinese Backstreet Boys to the
Numa Numa kid, it's a who's who of web fame and infamy. Vote now for your
favorite. You can only vote for one person at a time. But you can vote as many
times as you like.
Monday, January 08, 2007
Cinema du jour 14 - tlg847, Heidiscope, miaarose, RYAN0617
This is part 14 in our continuing series, Cinema du jour, the movie of the day. In this post, I'll show you a video about the YouTube community, two music videos, and a funny stunt video - don't try this at home!
We CAN Do This!
YouTube wise man tlg847 (Tom) gives some of his thoughts on the effort to improve the YouTube community. Some YouTube videomakers have been severely attacked by YouTube "haters". Many people have been having trouble leaving comments on YouTube videos and the YouTube message system has been very quirky. (I have been unable to send messages in YouTube for weeks now. I still try because occasionally, one goes through. If you want to send me a message, please do it by email at KennyCraneATbellsouthDOTnet instead of through the YouTube message system.)
There is a discussion going on via videos about how to battle haters and what YouTube itself can and should do about haters, and also about the need for YouTube to get it's system working correctly. For a good list of videos that discuss the YouTube Community and the YouTube 2 idea (where another company may implement a YouTube clone that works better than YouTube - see our YTStats service for an example of a utility that provides better stats tracking and My Favorite Video functions than YouTube), read the January 5th News post at
If you can't see the video above, watch it on YouTube.
Special Guest: Dr Lemur joins me
Here's an entertaining music video from a talented brother and sister. Heidiscope (Heidi, 22, from Australia) does a great job of singing a Beatles song (Blackbird) played on guitar by Dr Lemur. They end the video with some funny outtakes. Watch and enjoy!
If you can't see the video above, watch it on YouTube.
Mia's Own Song!!
This is another music video. It's from miaarose, a very talented and attractive woman from the UK. Mia sings a song that she wrote, and accompanies herself on guitar. You'll also want to watch her lively performance of the classic song L.O.V.E.; it's excellent! Miaarose is getting a lot of attention on YouTube lately (she debuted this week at number 84 on the YouTube Top 100 Weekly Chart). Watch this video and you'll understand why!
If you can't see the video above, watch it on YouTube.
Funny failed stunts
People do the strangest things! Sometimes they try tricks to impress their friends, and of course they have to capture the act on camera for posterity. Some of these stunts go very wrong! Watch this compilation of funny botched stunts and general craziness uploaded by RYAN0617; you're sure to laugh very hard!
If you can't see the video above, watch it on YouTube.
Please read our last Cinema du jour, part 13 - it's here! That post mentions Paperlilies, spricket24, capo420420 and The Skinny.
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