Saturday, November 21, 2009
Contest News
Here is a follow-up on two of the contests I recently told you all about. After we hear the exciting results from the contestants, I'll tell you all about a new YouTube contest!
Last week I told you about AllisonBrustofski making the Finals of the New York Songwriters Circle Young Songwriter contest. After performing live last night, Ali WON the Young Songwriters Award! Congrats, Ali!!! Here's what she posted on her YouTube profile:
Wow, what an amazing night! 2009 Young Songwriter Award winner!
Thank you so much for all of the great comments and congratulations!
The winners are now posted at the New York Songwriters Circle site - - and you can hear "Rewind" (it's song #6!) and all of the other amazing artists in their music player!
Lots more exciting stuff to show and tell soon!
This would not have happened without you guys and I can not thank you enough for voting and for ALL of your support! You guys ROCK!
xoxo Ali
Ali had created her own contest to help publicize her participation in this contest. She asked me to help judge the competition and here is her video announcing the contest results:
Last week we also told you about TiffanyJoAllen entering the Yahoo Yodel Contest. She competed for video views against hundreds of other entrants and made the finals by being in the three most watched videos in the U.S. Then in the Finals, she WON by a large margin! If you go to the Yahoo homepage and click the Exclamation Point in the Yahoo logo, you'll hear Tiffany Jo's yodel! Here's what Tiffany Jo said in the video description announcing her win, shown below:
The Yahoo Yodeling Contest is over and thanks to ALL of you I won!
Thank you so much for voting for me.
I really appreciate your support.
Tiffany xo
Here is the latest video from Tiffany Jo, just released today. It's an excellent cover of the popular Kings Of Leon song, "Use Somebody." Tiffany Jo is being filmed by a local News crew as she sings this tune. Here is the description and the video.
Kings of Leon, Use Somebody is one of my favorite songs. I hope you like my version of Use Somebody by Kings of Leon. This video was recorded during a segment of my interview with Lou Raguse, an anchor from a Fox News network affiliate. If you like my music, please subscribe and don't forget to Favorite and Share it with your friends!
Thank You!
Tiffany Jo
Here's a brand new contest from an American 21-year-old college student living in Tokyo, Japan. Her YouTube channel is MissHannahMinx. She likes to wear animal headgear and speak Japanese while vlogging from her room. She also likes punk and metal music, and stuffed animals! Hannah says she loves to promote vloggers, and we at YouTubeStars love to promote vloggers and musicians and all kinds of YouTubers, so we're helping Hannah promote vloggers and her contest! Here is the video description followed by the video itself. Good luck to the contest entrants!
Contest just to say thank you to everyone for all the success of this channel so far. ^_^
The guidelines of the contest are also loose and can be broken. Overall I want you to just have fun and be creative. I also love to promote people who are new to vlogging, so this contest is also just an excuse to do that.
Ellthebag inspired it:
Labels: AllisonBrustofski, contest, MissHannahMinx, TiffanyJoAllen
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Garage Rock Radio

This website - Garage Rock Radio - has MP3s and podcasts of 60s Garage Rock tunes and I Love them all!
Now they have a Record Label - Garage Rock Radio Records - that distribute bands from today that have that 60s Garage Rock sound. Free MP3s here.
Please enjoy a very short video of the Garage Rock Radio Theme Song which is used at the beginning of their podcasts, sung by Lyndsey Price. Groovy, man!

This is the Theme Song for our 1960s Garage Rock podcasts, sung by Lyndsey Price. Visit our website at
and buy Garage Rock music from our Record Label at
Pictures in this video are from Johnny B. Fuzz
Children of the Mushroom
New Colony Six
Ohio Express
The Action
The Banshees
The Esquires
The Es Shades
The Henchmen
The Kingsmen
The Moving Sidewalks
The Pleasure Seekers
The Standells
Check out free MP3s and our 14 song Sampler Album at
Rock on, Garage Rockers!
Labels: 1960s, 60s, Garage, music, Rock
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Guest Blogger, Anna

Anna's YouTube channel is Annaconda1984.
Visit her channel and watch some of the 182 videos she has uploaded.
My favorites include Anna's singing duet with KrisShred and her compilation with 18 YouTubers reciting The Raven by Poe.
If Georges Braque had chosen to be reborn as a YouTuber, he'd probably come back as this creative 24 year old girl, CharlotteSpeaks. "Why?": you may ask. For that, you will have to watch her bold and very unique lip-synch video Again and Again, which feels like a virtual cubistic painting come alive. Most of this clip is shot in black and white, which makes it elegant and balanced. In addition to this, the colors are not distracting and the viewer gets a great feeling of the form and the texture of the moving image. Another video of hers I enjoyed and has a similar style and tone as this one is Hands.
Charlotte was born in Birmingham, England and has lived in Chicago most of her life. She shows us around Chicago in several videos, her overall approach being a positive portrayal of everyday life mostly artistic, with a touch of humor here and there.
This makes her videos entertaining to watch. There seems to be some influence of her biggest passion, photography, in her clips making everything flow together beautifully. Sometimes she makes the viewers fly to an extent where we almost feel dizzy and at other moments we feel like we have been turned into bugs who crawl along fields of emerald - sort of like Kafka's Metamorphosis, gone outside. These are just a few factors, which in my eyes make her channel one of the most recommendable ones on YouTube.
again again
Watch this video on YouTube
Made by: CharlotteSpeaks
Rating: 4.90
Views: 3831
Comments: 122
Category: Film & Animation
Again and Again
By: The Bird and the Bee
They're awesome!
Inspired by: TeylerJay
check him out!
Made by: CharlotteSpeaks
Rating: 4.90
Views: 3831
Comments: 122
Category: Film & Animation
Again and Again
By: The Bird and the Bee
They're awesome!
Inspired by: TeylerJay
check him out!
The first impression you get before even looking at a channel is when you see a username, that makes you think about its meaning. This channel belongs to a North African desert ant called Laura, who has extraordinary orientation skills. Ok, maybe not North African, she's actually German. Like Charlotte, she is 24 and into photography.
To be more precise she's a hobby macro photographer, which means that she loves taking close-up shots which transform ants into giants. Some of it can be seen in her videos, parts of which she sometimes turns into macro video clips. Her assistant director is a Sapphire colored rabbit called thegreeneater, who makes short appearances in her videos from time to time and who is responsible for the set. Sometimes, when everyone is asleep, he can be seen running up and down the romantically flowery wallpapers, turning them into fields of roses.
Her videos, such as the one here, "it's my life I can do whatever I want" and "leftovers / stew" use a combination of many little clips, which all fit together like the pieces of a puzzle. My favorite is how she turns dates into snails by wrapping pieces of bacon around them and at the same time you have the snail symbolizing the passing of time slowly sliding along. Her videos seem natural, light and un-staged, raw and at the same time poetic; in some of her vids she puts an emphasis on color especially green, which seems to be her favorite and as well as blue. I especially enjoy her sense of humor and the atmosphere setting music that she picks so suitably. Her favorite, the German actor, director, writer and humorist, Loriot would surely have enjoyed her channel, if he had come across it and so will you.
It's my life and I can do what I want
Watch this video on YouTube
Made by: Cataglyphis
Rating: 5.00
Views: 727
Comments: 29
Category: Education
[ please watch in HD! ]
I missed the old times when I threw together low quality video snippets in WMM, sped up some parts, added cool music and the result was something I liked.
Here I pretend to show you how to make bacon dates, but in fact I've wanted to use this old footage for a while now, plus I had to try out the split screen and the mirror ball thing for another video that's been due for ages.
[music] Downliners Sekt: 'Benz'
Made by: Cataglyphis
Rating: 5.00
Views: 727
Comments: 29
Category: Education
[ please watch in HD! ]
I missed the old times when I threw together low quality video snippets in WMM, sped up some parts, added cool music and the result was something I liked.
Here I pretend to show you how to make bacon dates, but in fact I've wanted to use this old footage for a while now, plus I had to try out the split screen and the mirror ball thing for another video that's been due for ages.
[music] Downliners Sekt: 'Benz'
Cristina is a hip Romanian girl who vlogs about a variety of topics with the main focus on religion or the lack thereof. Queen would agree, she's a "shooting star leaping through the skies, (she's) a satellite (she's) out of control. If YouTube is the night sky her videos are many little shooting stars, in fact. Appearing in random unexpected moments, they add a spark that lights up the sky and most important of all they make the viewers think after they vanish and inspire to discuss.
Her videos are dynamic and she deals with serious topics with a touch of humor which make pretty much any video she produces entertaining to watch and at the same time they make one curious for more. If the Tasmanian daredevil could talk and used logical reasoning, had argumentation and observation skills it would be a ZOMGits. "It's Zo-my-god, what the f*ck is a ZOMGITS anyway..." Christina laughs, her username gets mispronounced a lot. Perhaps we should reflect first.
Her video Reflection is one the gems of YouTube. "Don't be too harsh, it's the first time I try to rhyme in english" she says but it feels like she was has been doing it her entire lifetime. K-rina (her nickname) is a true artist. Whether you agree with what she says in her videos or not, I have to warn you, this channel is highly addictive.
Watch this video on YouTube
Made by: ZOMGitsCriss
Rating: 4.77
Views: 73929
Comments: 2371
Category: People & Blogs
This is a bit different ... and don't be to harsh, it's the first time I try to rhyme in English.
And sorry for the spelling error I'll try to correct them with annotations :/
Again, awareness starts to peak ,
another day breaks in
It always takes me by surprise,
throwing me in the spin ...
...of things
Not knowing what it brings,
I do embrace it, even if, its not something I asked for
And even if , for all I get, I know I will pay more
For every life will end in death
And there is pain for every breath
You ever take, and you will break
In thousands of pieces,
As consciousness releases ,
Its side effects
it injects you with addictions,
Afflictions for which there is no pill
I am alive so I am ill
Because I am , therefore I feel
I dont just think about what thinking means
But also feel for other feeling things
And end up with a bleeding heart
Watching us tear this world apart
Can we stop now before alls gone ?
Can we undo the damage done ?
Yes, I am part of the game
And though I know Im part to blame
For all of this
I still see hope under the mess
And beauty in the Universe
I ponder on it in silence
Wonder what will be left of us
Before our sun finally bursts
And ends our cry and joy and lust
Before we all become star dust ...
Will we destroy ourselves by then ?
And leave behind just pain and shame
Or will we ever find the ways to win the game
The ways
to earn our place
as the enlightened consciousness
That creates art and conquers space
I hope theres hope for us ... but how ?
Look at us now ....
We invent Gods who bless our wars
And justify the hatred flooding our pores
We feed on life and kill our kind
Yet we pretend we were designed ...
intelligently ?!
Consequently, we find reasons
to commit evils
By falling on our knees
and asking God to please
Help us make bombs and do violent acts
To serve religions of peace
While trusting our kids to pedophile priests
This is us!
We close our eyes and praise the skies
Anesthetize our minds and fill our hearts with lies
About eternal paradise in afterlife
While we give birth to Hell on Earth
Is it worth it ?
Made by: ZOMGitsCriss
Rating: 4.77
Views: 73929
Comments: 2371
Category: People & Blogs
This is a bit different ... and don't be to harsh, it's the first time I try to rhyme in English.
And sorry for the spelling error I'll try to correct them with annotations :/
Again, awareness starts to peak ,
another day breaks in
It always takes me by surprise,
throwing me in the spin ...
...of things
Not knowing what it brings,
I do embrace it, even if, its not something I asked for
And even if , for all I get, I know I will pay more
For every life will end in death
And there is pain for every breath
You ever take, and you will break
In thousands of pieces,
As consciousness releases ,
Its side effects
it injects you with addictions,
Afflictions for which there is no pill
I am alive so I am ill
Because I am , therefore I feel
I dont just think about what thinking means
But also feel for other feeling things
And end up with a bleeding heart
Watching us tear this world apart
Can we stop now before alls gone ?
Can we undo the damage done ?
Yes, I am part of the game
And though I know Im part to blame
For all of this
I still see hope under the mess
And beauty in the Universe
I ponder on it in silence
Wonder what will be left of us
Before our sun finally bursts
And ends our cry and joy and lust
Before we all become star dust ...
Will we destroy ourselves by then ?
And leave behind just pain and shame
Or will we ever find the ways to win the game
The ways
to earn our place
as the enlightened consciousness
That creates art and conquers space
I hope theres hope for us ... but how ?
Look at us now ....
We invent Gods who bless our wars
And justify the hatred flooding our pores
We feed on life and kill our kind
Yet we pretend we were designed ...
intelligently ?!
Consequently, we find reasons
to commit evils
By falling on our knees
and asking God to please
Help us make bombs and do violent acts
To serve religions of peace
While trusting our kids to pedophile priests
This is us!
We close our eyes and praise the skies
Anesthetize our minds and fill our hearts with lies
About eternal paradise in afterlife
While we give birth to Hell on Earth
Is it worth it ?
One of the most fascinating people on YouTube and someone you'd have a fantastic "Tea Time" with is Jeff Smith Luedke, a 26 year old writer and philosopher, who has been named Azrienoch by the great Gandalf himself, while playing Dungeons and Dragons. He himself is in fact a wizard too. However, unlike Gandalf, Jeff juggles with words and with such elegance and skill that it will make you curious to read his blog and to order a very interesting book he wrote called "The Absurdity of Philosophy".
While watching his videos, you'll probably turn into a lilliput and sway back and forth sitting on his nose ring, listening attentively. Having watched all his videos I must say the quality never drops and there is always something you can learn from them. In a lot of cases people complain about how certain users change just for the sake of views. He, in fact, if there is any change at all is getting better. He uses a lot of effects but I don't mean his Tea Time Series by that. Willy, the doll and 18 are all real, in fact 18 travelled to europe and we've hung out. In general effects can be distracting but in his case they seem to make each video into a visual piece of artwork and they underline his message.
My favorite videos by him are his Minimalism - Kinetic Typography Poem and this video X vs O in which he runs around with a big invisible brush, action painting. After watching a video by him you wait for a few seconds, think and smile with satisfaction. XOXO Anna
X vs. O
Watch this video on YouTube
Made by: azrienoch
Rating: 4.64
Views: 36265
Comments: 547
Category: Film & Animation
Jus' a little diddy. Don't forget to watch it in HD. If you'd like to read the poem, please visit:
Poem, graphics, and animations are original. Made using Photoshop and Sony Vegas. Sound effects used with permission from by digifishmusic, qubodup, rutgermuller, thanvannispen, scarbelly25, Robinhood76, and the_semen_incident.
Made by: azrienoch
Rating: 4.64
Views: 36265
Comments: 547
Category: Film & Animation
Jus' a little diddy. Don't forget to watch it in HD. If you'd like to read the poem, please visit:
Poem, graphics, and animations are original. Made using Photoshop and Sony Vegas. Sound effects used with permission from by digifishmusic, qubodup, rutgermuller, thanvannispen, scarbelly25, Robinhood76, and the_semen_incident.
Labels: Annaconda1984, azrienoch, Cataglyphis, CharlotteSpeaks, ZOMGitsCriss
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Guest Blogger, Jason
Here are 4 videos chosen by my 13-year-old nephew, Jason. He reviews How-To videos on Talking to Women, Kissing, Metal Gear Solid, and Tying Ties. Enjoy!
OK you fellas out there who are being denied at your local bars by every woman that passes your way. I have a quick and funny solution to heal your broken heart. Watch the YouTube video called "How to Talk to Women" by Mattkoval. He teaches you hit lines and moves that will guarantee you a date over half the time. So get off you butt and go get 'em tiger! After you watch this video, of course!
How to Talk to Women
Watch this video on YouTube
Made by: MattKoval
Rating: 4.81
Views: 471591
Comments: 3428
Category: Comedy
How to talk to women is a question that every man faces at one time or another. I'm just a regular guy, but I've tried just about every wrong way there is.
The backstory on this video:
What's your approach? How do you talk to women? How do you talk to men? How do you talk to women who've been taped together from grocery bags and a gift box?
...Ah, the mysteries of life.
Made by: MattKoval
Rating: 4.81
Views: 471591
Comments: 3428
Category: Comedy
How to talk to women is a question that every man faces at one time or another. I'm just a regular guy, but I've tried just about every wrong way there is.
The backstory on this video:
What's your approach? How do you talk to women? How do you talk to men? How do you talk to women who've been taped together from grocery bags and a gift box?
...Ah, the mysteries of life.
Guys do you need help kissing a girl? Well if you’re shaking your head right now you’re just lying to yourself. Yeah and you know who you are! So YOU need help kissing a girls right? Well what better way than going on YouTube instead of having awkward conversations with your parents. Just watch "How to Kiss: Gradual Practice tips" by gradualreport. Danny teaches some smooth moves on how to kiss a lady! He’s outrageously funny and very experienced with the ladies. So watch this video and you might finally get a girlfriend.
How to Kiss: Gradual Practice Tips
Watch this video on YouTube
Made by: gradualreport
Rating: 4.80
Views: 501541
Comments: 4657
Category: Entertainment
A step by step guid on how to kiss.
Contact me:
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Watch every day of my life in 09:
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Made by: gradualreport
Rating: 4.80
Views: 501541
Comments: 4657
Category: Entertainment
A step by step guid on how to kiss.
Contact me:
Send me a picture:
Watch every day of my life in 09:
Subscribe to my diary:
Tired of getting stuck on games or not being able to unlock everything? Well I was, so went to YouTube and searched for Metal Gear Solid 4 Big Boss Emblem Walkthroughs and I was amazed at the skill DMRhythm had! He was to the point and showed you the quick and easy way to unlock and get through the game with ease. DMRhythm is naturally funny and makes it fun to watch even if you’re not interested in buying the game. After watching one of his clips, it’ll make you wish you had the game!
Metal Gear Solid 4 Big Boss Emblem Walkthrough Act 1 Part 1
Watch this video on YouTube
Made by: DMRhythm
Rating: 4.79
Views: 56895
Comments: 271
Category: Gaming
Well yeah I guess this is the first part of the MGS4 BBE Walkthrough
Metal Gear Solid 4?? is a registered product of Kojima Productions?? and konamijpn. This video is made for non-profit and is not for re-sale. The objective of this video is purely for entertainment!!!
Made by: DMRhythm
Rating: 4.79
Views: 56895
Comments: 271
Category: Gaming
Well yeah I guess this is the first part of the MGS4 BBE Walkthrough
Metal Gear Solid 4?? is a registered product of Kojima Productions?? and konamijpn. This video is made for non-profit and is not for re-sale. The objective of this video is purely for entertainment!!!
To all you guys out there who are still asking your wife, girlfriend, or mom to tie your ties for you! Well there will come a day when a female is not around and you want to look spiffy, so what will you do then? I’ll tell you what you would do; you would go onto YouTube and type in how to tie a tie. You'll find this step by step instructional video that will help make you look snazzy for that special someone you’ll be meeting tonight. So watch this video and learn now before it’s too late!
How to Tie a Tie - Expert Instructions on How to Tie a Tie
Watch this video on YouTube
Made by: geoffdorn
Rating: 4.60
Views: 3378168
Comments: 4471
Category: Howto & Style
How to Tie a Tie Expert Instructions on How to Tie a Necktie.
Watch the full video here
Made by: geoffdorn
Rating: 4.60
Views: 3378168
Comments: 4471
Category: Howto & Style
How to Tie a Tie Expert Instructions on How to Tie a Necktie.
Watch the full video here
Labels: DMRhythm, geoffdorn, gradualreport, how-to, jason, MattKoval
Sunday, November 08, 2009
AllisonBrustofski in Songwriters Contest
Our friend AllisonBrustofski recently put out a video to let us know that she is a Top 3 Finalist in the New York Songwriters Circle Young Songwriter contest.
Ali entered her original song, "Rewind," in this contest that helped launch the career of Kate Voegele in 2006. Ali hopes to win this contest, which would be a step forward in her own singing career. Voting ends tonight at midnight, so please vote NOW!
Help Ali win this contest! It's easy to vote for Ali! Just register at the Fashion Fantasy Game as a Fashion Designer or Store Owner (looks like a fun site!) Then click where it says "Vote Here! 2009 NYSC Young Songwriter Award" and click Vote under Ali's picture.
Here is the video Ali made on YouTube to talk about the contest. Good luck, Ali!!!
♥♥♥ VOTE FOR ALI! ♥♥♥
Hey guys, I need your help! VOTING ENDS SOON! My original song "Rewind" was selected by a panel of judges from the prestigious New York Songwriters Circle to be one of the top 3 finalists in their 2009 Young Songwriters Contest!
This means so much to my career and here's how you can help!
1. GO TO
2. REGISTER (click on "Not yet a member? under SIGN IN, then follow the prompts)!
3. Once you are registered, CLICK ON "CONTESTS" IN THE MENU BAR!
You can only vote once, but you can listen to my new song as often as you'd like! For more info on the contest, please visit and support the New York Songwriters Circle at
PLEASE SHARE THIS WITH EVERYONE YOU KNOW! VOTING ENDS ON SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8TH AT 11:59PM EDT AND EVERY VOTE COUNTS! Thank you so much for your support! I have the very best subscribers on all of YouTube!! xoxo Ali
Labels: AllisonBrustofski, contest, songwriter, vote
Friday, November 06, 2009
TiffanyJoAllen in Yahoo Yodel Contest
(After you read about this contest, be sure to read the Update at the end of this post!)
Our friend TiffanyJoAllen put out a video today to let us know about her entry in the Yahoo YodelStudio Contest.
According to the rules, anyone can make a video up to 90 seconds in length of them performing the Yahoo Yodel, that famous brand audio clip often heard in Yahoo commercials - "Ya hooOOOooo!" The three videos from each of the US, UK and India that have the most views will compete for more views, resulting in one winning video from each country. Winning videos will appear on the Yahoo homepage, bringing lots of exposure!
Tiffany Jo made an amazing 9 second yodel ending in the Yahoo yodel, and she is doing very well in the contest. You can see how close to the most viewed video she is, at this contest page.
For those who do not know, Tiffany Jo is an award winning Yodeler who has been yodeling since she was just a little girl! Watch this video and you'll see her yodeling talent!
Help Tiffany Jo win this contest! It's so easy! Just watch this very short video. Every view helps increase her view count, and the video with the highest view count wins, so go watch! The contest ends in 3 days, so watch it now, then tell your friends to watch it too!
Here is the link:
Here is the video Tiffany Jo made on YouTube to talk about the contest. Good luck, Tiffany Jo!!!
Please, Please, Please *GASP* Please.
Thank you so much!
Tiffany Jo
UPDATE 11/11/2009
Tiffany Jo Allen was in the Top 3 in the U.S. in video views and now is a Finalist in this contest! Vote in this last part of the contest by going here:
Here is an update video from Tiffany Jo:
Good Luck and Best Wishes, Tiffany Jo!
Labels: contest, TiffanyJoAllen, Yahoo, yodel
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