Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Cyber Bullying - Jessi Slaughter

Good Morning America story on Cyber BullyingTomorrow morning, Thursday, July 22nd 2010, ABC's Good Morning America will do a story about Cyber Bullying. In their promo, they show part of a video that was originally posted on the KerliGirl13 channel last week. KerliGirl13 is also known as Jessi Slaughter, an 11 year old Florida girl. Her story is emotional and complex. Here is an outline of what happened.

Jessi a.k.a. Jessica Leonhardt, a young girl aged 11, has been on the internet for a while. She had accounts on many Social Networks such as MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, YouTube and Stickam. Jessi was a fan of techno pop band Blood On The Dance Floor and its singer Dahvie Vanity. "BOTDF" sing songs about oral sex, sluts, whores, etc.; which many would agree is inappropriate for 11 year olds. Pictures were posted of Jessi and Dahvie, and posts appeared at StickyDrama. The first was on July 10th, which alleged sexual relations between Dahvie and Jessi. Then on July 12th, a post appeared which claimed to give Jessi's side of the story:

"People STFU This Is A Very Private Matter And Im Dealing With It.
This Post Ruined Muh Life… I Have Muh Life And Dahvie Has His.
We Are Just Friends!"

Next, a video appeared on YouTube on the KerliGirl13 channel, which has since been hacked by someone and then removed from YouTube. It was titled "Haters... Piercings... StickyDrama =D"

The video has cursing and is not for children! This is a copy of the original. Jessi states at 0:26 that "if you can't... stop hating, I'll pop a Glock in your mouth and make a brain slushie..."

Right after that, Jessi released a video titled "Muh Emotional BreakDown Over All Of You Guys Sh*t!" Jessi is crying and is upset with "haters." Her father appears in the video, yelling at people who have allegedly threatened his daughter. This is the video that Good Morning America has on their site at the moment. Many people have reposted this video on YouTube with titles such as "Ya Done Goofed" and "Consequences Will Never Be the Same." It's a two-part video, here are both parts:

As all this blew up on the internet, various groups and websites became involved. Read more at MSNBC. Here is an interview with Jessi's mom. Now it is alleged that Jessi's family have been placed under 24/7 police protection due to death threats, although a Sherriff's Office spokeswoman supposedly has denied that there were any death threats. Read more here.

If you are a parent, you might want to think about whether your child should be online, especially if they are posting videos for the world to see. I hope you were able to get an understanding of what could happen when children are allowed to interact online, by reading this post. For more information about sex videos and things children probably shouldn't be watching online, read some of my articles at LookingForClues.

ALL the latest Tweets, Yahoo News and Google News on Jessi Slaughter is here:
TwHub Search - Jessi Slaughter

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Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Anna writes about AgentXPQ

Anna!This post features a review of videomaker Levni (Lev) Yilmaz whose YouTube Channels are AgentXPQ and ingredientxvideo - written by Guest Blogger, Anna.

Anna's YouTube channel is Annaconda1984.

Visit her channel and watch some of the 199 videos she has uploaded. Anna has almost 15 Thousand Subscribers and about 300 Thousand Channel Views!

My favorites include Anna's singing duet with KrisShred and her compilation with 18 YouTubers reciting The Raven by Poe.

Anna's article is below...

But first, The News!

This week's Featured Video on our Top 100 and Top 200 Charts is a pretty cool original pop song called "Library Girl" by ReinaDelCid. She dedicates it "To all kindred nerds." Check out our Top 100 and Top 200 Charts of the Most Subscribed YouTube Channels every week!

Did you know that YouTube has a Blog? It's good to drop by there regularly to see what's new on our favorite website. Here's some stories you may have missed.
  • YouTube Leanback is a new feature that lets you watch a stream of custom picked videos without having to do anything - just bring up the site, lean back, and watch!
  • Ask Katy Perry a question and vote on the questions, until July 18th, hurry!
  • The new YouTube Partner Grant Program will advance future ad earnings to accepted partners; apply now!
  • YouTube now supports videos filmed at 4096 by 2304 pixel resolution; that's way more than 4 times bigger than HD!

Now, here is Anna's article!

The Mystery of AgentXPQ

Lev Yilmaz is like the Picasso of YouTube, except he colors in with wonderful stories instead of paint. Most likely if you are not struck by contagious creativity
during watching one of his short films then you will feel it shortly after you have finished viewing one of his animations. Perhaps you will even join a film school to start animating, yourself. Many animation students might dream about working for colossal cartoon studios like Pixar but would you rather be a technician and work on Nemo's tail for 10 years or be a story teller and create something of your own?

If you are an animation enthusiast, you must have come across the impressive and inspiring series "Tales of Mere Existence" by AgentXPQ (Lev Yilmaz). This artist and film maker tells stories based on his life, described on his website as "stuff you think but don't talk about"; episodes of humorous, self and socio-critical cartoons in which most of us find moments from our own lives we identify with and often smile about.

We encounter common situations like arguing about which film you are going to watch with your boyfriend or a mother and her concerns, and it may seem like a caricature of our own mamas...

If you really like his comics, you probably own a copy of Lev Yilmaz's book; your
companion "Sunny Side Down" will brighten the day, not just when you are feeling
low. How many of you know about his other channel though? In 2007, Lev and his brother launched the channel ingredientxvideo, where you can see a combination of many different types of videos. You can watch the baby steps of "Tales of Mere Existence," which back then had great stories. This is probably the x factor in both usernames but the ingredient evolved with the influence of Picasso's, "The Mystery of Picasso" from 1956...

into a cool 007 Agent. The technique he uses is similar to the painting technique Picasso used, filming while working on a transparent canvas. You can also see some puppet animations and a skit or two on his alternative channel, and some animations (not always technically perfect but narratively beautiful).

In the "Hellhammer" skit, we see Lev and his brother's poetic sides...

It's the kind of video one could watch over and over again. Last but not least, Lev is a superhero even if he denies it in Evildraft...

His special power is to cheer people up and entertain, and it's real, genuine happiness he spreads - not the artificial smiles which often surround us. Most people try to cover lack of ideas and plot though great special effects. AgentXPQ is a perfect example of a channel that doesn't need sparks; the stories move and make the viewer think and sometimes one might even learn something from them.

He denies his ability to fly but he grows wings like Supermario grabbing a feather, every time a letter hits a paper with a clickety-clack sound. Most superheros fly alone; he takes us with him through time and space on his back, trying to save the world from lack of humor and to erase your frown and change it to a smile.

If you want to discover how it all started, check out his secondary channel ingredientxvideo and if you don't know about AgentXPQ - where have you been, tune in!

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Thursday, July 08, 2010


Songs, and a Circus!

This is post number 190 at YouTubeStars! We've been doing this for over 4 years now and our popularity continue to increase. Google Analytics says we had 17,421 pageviews in the last month; thanks to all our readers!

Also, we have been publishing our "YouTube Top 100 - A Weekly Chart of the 100 Most Subscribed YouTube Members" every week since mid 2006, and now our Chart gets almost as many pageviews as this blog. A few months ago, we launched our Top 200 Weekly Chart, which has the top 200 Most Subscribed channels on YouTube. This is data that you can only get from our Chart. YouTube doesn't provide this information. They only show the top 100 Most Subscribed channels. So check out our Top 100 and Top 200 Charts every week!

We will be watching three music videos and an interactive Circus film today...

But first, The News!

Savannah Berry, whose YouTube channel is SavannahSings gave us some exciting news this week. While vacationing in Orlando with her family, Savannah auditioned at Disney Studios for the American Idol Experience and qualified for a producers audition, allowing her to skip all the long lines! She auditions for American Idol next month; good luck Savannah!
Wait, there's more! Savannah was just chosen to open for platinum selling artist Sammy Kershaw at the July 17th fundraiser for the E.C.H.O Foundation at at Tin Hall, in Texas. Read more, here.

We mentioned in our Mike Lombardo Interview that Mike was competing at OurStage to open for John Mayer. He came in first out of hundreds of bands after rounds of fan judging. Now the OurStage people will select the winning band that gets to open for John Mayer. Click the pic and watch the video (which is kind of loud) - Mike will tell you all about it!

We have been writing about the Emo Kids since we first began this blog over 4 years ago. "Matt" was one of the first YouTubeStars and helped to make YouTube the sensation it is today. He went away for a while, came back, left again, but is now back with a new string of videos. Click the pic to watch his review of "We Are The Arsenal" new EP, "There Will Come Soft Rains" in his unique Emo style!

Eclipse, the third movie in the Twilight Saga, was released last week and has already taken in $300 million at the Box Office. But not everyone likes the books. Here is an intelligent presentation by one woman on why she does not care for Twilight. Click the pic and watch - see if you agree or not. For Tweets, News, Posters and Videos about all things Twilight, visit

The vlogbrothers have organized VidCon 2010, a conference for and about videomakers. It runs from July 9th through 11th and takes place in Los Angeles, which just had a 5.9 magnitude Earthquake! Click the pic for more info on this sold-out event, which is supposed to be streamed live... Shane Dawson is going to be there!

Now, watch these videos!

Aldo Blaga is a 23 year old man from Romania who has one of the best singing voices on YouTube! I've heard thousands of singers on YouTube in the last 5 years and I know what I'm talking about. Just have a listen to his cover of Crying, originally done by Roy Orbison in the summer of 1961. Then listen to any other song he uploaded and you'll be just as pleased. This man is going to go far!

Charming and popular YouTube musician Tiffany Jo Allen is back with an awesome cover of Gnarles Barkley's "Crazy." Tiffany Jo has about 110 Thousand subscribers and over 28 Million Total Upload views, making her one of the more popular musicians on YouTube. She is well liked because of her awesome singing and guitar playing, as well as her high level of interaction with fans by responding to comments and talking to them at her many shows. Watch any video on her channel and you'll be glad you did!

Irish lass Chloe Wilders is only 14 but has already done some live shows and written her own songs. Here's one called "Naked" - Chloe does a great job of singing and playing guitar, and listen to the lyrics, they're quite good! Watch her other videos, including her latest one "Gypsy" by Shakira, on her YouTube channel.

We have been watching and writing about OlgaKay for almost three years now. This young Russian actress and juggler living in LA has always been fun to watch and now she is getting the recognition she deserves. She stars in this beautifully made short interactive film about Circus life, which already has nearly 3 Million views and has just been up a little over a week. Olga keeps climbing up the YouTube Top 200 Weekly Chart of Most Subscribed channels. This week, she climbed three spots up to #121 Most Subscribed. It won't be long before she enters the Top 100!

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