Monday, January 30, 2012
Danni Reviews a Short Film and Music Videos

I am happy to announce that we have another New Guest Blogger, Danielle Hatfield! Danni is from Alabama and is currently a college student studying Marketing. She is also a talented singer! I think I first discovered Danni when she entered Cree Inglees Idol Search competition on YouTube. Check out the excellent singing videos on her YouTube channel! One of my favorites is this video of Danni singing Amy Winehouse's hit "Rehab".
In her first guest blog post for us, Danni reviews three videos. One is an award winning short student film about memories and the other two are videos of cover songs by Rihanna and Bruno Mars.
See what Danni has to say and watch the videos she discusses!
But first, The News!
This week's Featured Video on our Top 100 and Top 200 Charts is a preview video from our good friend Tiffany Jo Allen. Her NEW single is out, and it rocks!
The song is "Over You" and it reminds me of vintage Pat Benatar. The crunchy power chords of an electric guitar are featured prominently and Tiffany's vocals are strong and clear. Click the video to see Tiffany's video that previews the song. BUY the track on iTunes or at Tiffany's website. I did; this is a cool ROCK tune!
The song is "Over You" and it reminds me of vintage Pat Benatar. The crunchy power chords of an electric guitar are featured prominently and Tiffany's vocals are strong and clear. Click the video to see Tiffany's video that previews the song. BUY the track on iTunes or at Tiffany's website. I did; this is a cool ROCK tune!
We love to promote YouTubers and we're not alone.
Here is another website that cares about the YouTube community and mentions both the big and little guys - YouTube Channel Reviews!
"From brand new YouTube users to the most famous YouTubers, we’ll take a look at it all and give our expert opinions as we break down everything in the YouTube community." The site is nicely origanized and has a cool slider on the Main page. See who they are writing about, at YouTube Channel Reviews!
Here is another website that cares about the YouTube community and mentions both the big and little guys - YouTube Channel Reviews!
"From brand new YouTube users to the most famous YouTubers, we’ll take a look at it all and give our expert opinions as we break down everything in the YouTube community." The site is nicely origanized and has a cool slider on the Main page. See who they are writing about, at YouTube Channel Reviews!
>> YouTube Channel Reviews wrote a post on YouTubeStars! Read it here!
Now, here is Danni's first Guest Blog post!
Our brain holds the time capsule, in which our memories and stories from our past are held. Some of our stories shortly fade away, or are merely just not visited often enough to remember the details. One of my science teachers once told my class statistics on happiness, and how a new home can only bring someone full joy for only around six months before the person is unsatisfied again. However, pictures…. pictures hold those memories so that they may not be forgotten or lost in time. Photographs are the boost our memory needs to remember fully. He said pictures make people happy forever because of the special memory of something in our life, such as family. The experience your mind takes on the journey of life cannot be replaced with material things. Pictures can also bring happiness to those on a bad day because they can remember a happy moment in time.
This is one of my favorite short films. I often find myself visiting to watch it several times a week. Here is Memories - written, directed and edited by Radoslaw Sienski:
We Found Love
BuskerOneK is a small two person band, that covers every song from the UK's number 1 hit, each week. The also have free original music to download at, and you can see all of their other covers at
They cover "We Found Love" by Rihanna FT. Calvin Harris, and it is personally the best cover that I've seen of this song! They both give an amazing performance, and I also find if very intriguing that she plays the violin and sings during the video. Its very obvious that they are very passionate about their music. I can't wait to hear more from them.
Here is BuskerOneK with their cover:
It Will Rain
Kelsey Lynn is a beautiful young girl with an amazing talent for playing the guitar and singing. She puts a soft touch on the song "It Will Rain" by Bruno Mars. She really puts emotion into this song, making it all the more real. She covers many other videos on YouTube as well. You can check out her covers at You can also follow her on twitter at @kelseylynnmusic.
Here is Kelsey Lynn with her cover of "It Will Rain" by Bruno Mars:
Labels: "Danielle Hatfield", BuskerOneK, daniellehatfield, kelseylynnmusic, RadekBNU
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
MsTiffanyLexus Interview on Twitter!
I have heard many covers of Adele songs on YouTube, but the one I keep coming back to listen to is by MsTiffanyLexus. She does a heartfelt and powerful version of "Set Fire to the Rain." We made it our Featured Video this week on our YouTube Top 100 Chart and I'll embed it right here for your listening and viewing pleasure. Tiffany created a nice video to accompany her singing, consisting of nice pics and facts about herself. I thought that I would like to ask a few more questions of Tiffany, so I sent her a DM on Twitter asking for a short interview to be conducted right on Twitter, and she agreed to do it! I thought of a few things to ask and tweeted them to Tiffany. She tweeted back some great answers! Most were in multiple tweets but below I concatenated them into one reply per question. The interview went very well. We both enjoyed tweeting out our parts of the interview.

So here is talented YouTube musician MsTiffanyLexus singing "Set Fire to the Rain" - followed by our Twitter based interview!
![]() | @mstiffanylexus Still listening to "Set Fire to the Rain" by YOU; Love it! Did u pick this song for a reason; is it special to u in some way? |
![]() | @KennyCrane Gosh, thanks so much! Well, I heard it for the first time the morning I recorded it, & idk, something about it actually did connect with me & really made me want to cover it. The song, to me, is about falling for someone whom.. Has caused a lot of heartbreak? And instead of crying about it, you, ya know:), set fire to your tears - metaphorically conveying the hurt & confidence to get over them, even with the verse about how her heart keeps going back to him, or, "waiting for [him]". And, I have experienced stuff like this before, so, I quickly favorited this song for the connection I had w/ it & the inspirational lyrics. :) |
![]() | @mstiffanylexus Did you sing all the awesome vocals or did someone else sing back up? What kind of mic do you use? |
![]() | @KennyCrane I did sing all of it ^.^ hahaa. Except, there was this ONE part at like 1:40 in the video where some random background voice com es in and says "Never knew, Never knew" XD. LOL It sounds nothing like me either so.. I'm sure you heard it XD it came with the instrumental version I downloaded, I later found out. XD haha And I own the MXL 990 & 991 microphones:) I used just the 990 here:) |
![]() | @mstiffanylexus Do you come from a musical family and have you taken any voice lessons? |
![]() | @KennyCrane I've never taken voice lessons, no :) uhmm.. No, not exactly xD. My mom is the only one of my family members that shares a great love for music & singing with me. My dad is passionate about cars and computers, so, he doesn't really understand it - He's all logic & we're more into the arts. Cool story, actually.. my mom was offered a recording contract when she was ten years old ! :) she wrote this AMAZING song - though she says it's silly - with it being the 70s, called "Boogie All Night". I'm actually going to have her record it & then I'll compose music to it & we'll post it to my channel ^.^ it's suuuper good:) hahaa. It ALWAYS gets stuck in my head:)! That's one of my favorite things about my mom too - she's a phenomenal writer when it comes to lyrics :) And, obviously, she turned them down, but she doesn't regret it & that's good ^.^ if she had signed, she wouldn't have met my dad & had my brother and I! ^.^ We do write songs together a lot too, so, as soon as I finish writing the music to it, you better bet it'll be on my YouTube channel:D ! |
![]() | @mstiffanylexus Great story, thanks! :-) What instruments do you play and what's your favorite and why? |
![]() | @KennyCrane I playyy piano (though, I will admit, I am a beginner still:) ), acoustic guitar, ukulele, baritone(or euphonium, I heard my band teacher call it today:) ), and clarinet so far. I'd really like to learn how to play the banjo as well, just cause it's awesome xD My favorite would have to be either guitar or ukulele. Something about playing them just feels amazing:) I get all tingly and happy inside:))) <3 which makes me really feel like this is something I was meant to do:))) I love it so much. |
![]() | @mstiffanylexus Last question! :-) What five words or phrases would best describe your personality? |
![]() | @KennyCrane hmm... I'd say... Optimistic/happy, sily/fun/outgoing, compassionate, adventurous/daring, &.. I'm kind of a hopeless romantic xD |

MsTiffanyLexus on YouTube
MsTiffanyLexus on Twitter
Tiffany-Lexus on FaceBook
Download "Set Fire to the Rain" for Free!
Labels: interview, MsTiffanyLexus, musician, tweet, twitter
Emma writes about the New Year

Guest Blogger Emma Samuelson is back with her third post! Emma is a singer-songwriter from California who writes her own songs, sings and plays guitar. Check out the excellent music videos on her YouTube channel! In Emma's own words, "I am a spiritual person and I love music, listening to it, creating it, and everything about it." Her love of music is obvious in her videos!
Emma's first post for YouTubeStars was a review of some videos about Comedian Bill Hicks. In her second post, Emma wrote three Thought Provoking Videos on what gets us motivated, the state of the environment, and a Free Hugs campaign.
Now, Emma tells us about three videos with a New Year / New Start / Being Now theme. This very moment is all we have, so make the best use of it!
See what Emma has to say and watch the videos she discusses!
But first, The News!
This week's Featured Video on our Top 100 and Top 200 Charts is a heartfelt and powerful performance of the popular Adele song, "Set Fire to the Rain", by talented YouTube Musician - Ms Tiffany Lexus! Visit her YouTube channel for more great singing videos (and one raw egg eating video!)
I was so impressed with MsTiffany's singing in this video and I asked her if she would do a mini Twitter interview with me. She agreed and we both had fun tweeting our parts of the interview! Here is a link to our mini Twitter based interview with MsTiffanyLexus, check it out!
I was so impressed with MsTiffany's singing in this video and I asked her if she would do a mini Twitter interview with me. She agreed and we both had fun tweeting our parts of the interview! Here is a link to our mini Twitter based interview with MsTiffanyLexus, check it out!
Our good friend Tiffany Jo Allen's NEW single is out, and it rocks!
The song is named "Over You" and it reminds me of vintage Pat Benatar. The crunchy power chords of an electric guitar are featured prominently and Tiffany's vocals are strong and clear. Click the pic to see Tiffany's video that previews the song. BUY the track on iTunes or at Tiffany's website. I did; this is a cool ROCK tune!
The song is named "Over You" and it reminds me of vintage Pat Benatar. The crunchy power chords of an electric guitar are featured prominently and Tiffany's vocals are strong and clear. Click the pic to see Tiffany's video that previews the song. BUY the track on iTunes or at Tiffany's website. I did; this is a cool ROCK tune!
We love to promote YouTubers and we're not alone.
Here is another website that cares about the YouTube community and mentions both the big and little guys - YouTube Channel Reviews!
"From brand new YouTube users to the most famous YouTubers, we’ll take a look at it all and give our expert opinions as we break down everything in the YouTube community." The site is nicely origanized and has a cool slider on the Main page. See who they are writing about, at YouTube Channel Reviews!
Here is another website that cares about the YouTube community and mentions both the big and little guys - YouTube Channel Reviews!
"From brand new YouTube users to the most famous YouTubers, we’ll take a look at it all and give our expert opinions as we break down everything in the YouTube community." The site is nicely origanized and has a cool slider on the Main page. See who they are writing about, at YouTube Channel Reviews!
Now, here are Emma's thoughts about the New Year.
This is a new year. Traditionally, the new year signifies a new start, a new beginning, or for some, it's a chance to forget the mistakes of the past, and move foreword. Along with resolutions to exercise and eat healthier, new lists of goals to achieve, and brand new material items to enjoy, what the new year really brings about, is a time to step into the moment. Many people take the new year as the only time to make changes, take chances and take a new breath. But really, every moment is the only time, for all we have is now. Being here and now in the present is where life lives, it's where everything lives. So be now, and live.
In this concept of 'being now', one can discover the truth of life. The beauty of life. It's all waiting here for us to appreciate it. In this video, the Holi Festival of Colors is taking place. This annual event takes place in Spanish Fork, Utah for the 2011 festival. During this weekend festival, over 40,000 people from all over the world come to enjoy music, food, people, love, and most interesting of all: colors. Every few hours, everyone present at the festival, all at once, throw colored powder into the air, and the effects are magical. All the people at the festival are happily jubilant, dancing and being now in the midst of color. The beauty of this event is too inspiring to describe.
Sometimes, being in the moment unexpectedly rather than purposefully can be an entirely new and different experience. Along with the beauty of expression and peace, everyone in the world shares depth and hardships, and sometimes, we are blind as to how we are all connected. Everyone has strife. This is a truth that isn't as welcome in society to discuss and share with others. Kamil Krolak went beyond society and asked people in Galway, Ireland to open up and share their life's biggest regret. At first, most are taken aback, not sure how to begin to answer this question. This is an unexpected moment for the people in this video. Eventually, everyone opens up to share their story. Some lost friends, others didn't take opportunities… but no matter what they regretted, they all had an understanding that perfection isn't what life is. The idealistic nature that has become the 'image' of people today isn't real, it isn't what's going on.
Everyone hurts. Everyone heals. Everyone loves. Krolak takes a step into the journey of people he doesn't know, and shows how connected we all are, right now.
Being in the moment can look differently for individual people. Some meditate, others dance, some write. And some create music. For as long as the human race has been in existence, so has music. It is one of the fundamental crafts and arts that the human race has contributed to the world. But how can music 'be the moment'?
Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros show just this. With a large band such as this, you get to experience a larger sound, with many voices, instruments and emotions all joining together as one. Everyone in this band gives into the music, and into the moment. They play a total of three songs: "Janglin'", "Home", and "40 Day Dream", all of which transcend human emotion into sound. By listening to this music you can't help but be in the here and now. It gives so much love and harmony to the atmosphere, allowing expression to occur.
Being now. This is my new year. And I get to be here, right now. And that is beautiful.
Labels: "Emma Samuelson", "YouTube Channel Reviews", evanmeetsworld, KamilFilms, MsTiffanyLexus, nprmusic, TiffanyJoAllen
Friday, January 06, 2012
Shelton Films and Carlie Nettles
Happy New Year! I usually review recent videos, but here are some exceptional short films by Shelton Films, from a few years ago. These two films both clock in at under 7 minutes, and each pack a lot of great acting into a little span of time. Both feature young actress Carlie Nettles. We also include a great audition video from Carlie in this post.
But first, The News!
This week's Featured Video on our Top 100 and Top 200 Charts is a well made music video from talented teen musician Jillian Rae! Jillian wrote this original song and performs it here for you. She has a lovely voice and is skilled at guitar playing as well. Watch and enjoy!
We have a NEW Featured Video every week on our YouTube Top 100 Chart. If you missed any of our Previously Featured Videos, you can still watch them here.
Check out our Top 100 and Top 200 Charts of the Most Subscribed YouTube Channels every week! Go and Bookmark the Top 100 YouTube Chart at right now!
Now, here are 3 videos featuring Carlie Nettles!
Ben & Josh Shelton are award winning film makers from Los Angeles, CA. They write, direct and produce their own movies. This film on their SheltonFilms YouTube channel, entitled "Running", is about a teen girl who is sick and tired of her parents' arguing so she plans to run away. She has a male friend who cares about her and doesn't want her to go, but she has made up her mind and is just about to take off, when there is a twist in the plot. Enjoy the depth of emotional acting which is on display in this very short film, and then watch it again!
"Running" was uploaded to YouTube in August 2009 and was chosen as an "Official Selection" of the YouTube Screening Room. Shelton Films released "My Name Is Lisa" in November 2007. This is a short film about a 13 year old girl dealing with her mother's Alzheimer's Disease. It was the Winner of "Best YouTube Short Film of 2007." From the video description:
Alzheimer's is one of many serious and scary diseases still without a cure. Alzheimer's causes gradual memory loss. 250,000 children, age 8-18 are caregiving for someone with Alzheimer's or dementia. To find out more and take action, visit:
This touching and very emotional video has 3.6 million views to date. Watch it, think about it, but have a box of tissues handy. It really is moving.
Carlie Nettles has two YouTube channels. You can see random comedy clips on her JumpyDuck channel. She has 38 videos uploaded which have received just short of a quarter million views. Her other channel is called CarlieAudition which is what it says it is. Here is Carlie auditioning for the part of "Ivy" - a girl who ends up becoming text buddies with her friend's mom! It's pretty funny, enjoy!
Shelton Films links:
Shelton Films Website
Shelton Films Facebook
Ben Shelton Twitter
Hold Fast is a film in development by Shelton Films.
Scene from Hold Fast.
Labels: "carlie nettles", "My Name is Lisa", alzheimers, jillianraemusic, jumpyduck, running, sheltonfilms
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