Monday, October 28, 2013
Babies, Puppies and Kittens - In Slow Motion!
YouTubeStars EXTREME Video Series!
This is the first post in a NEW Series we like to call Extreme Videos.
Today we start with Extremely CUTE videos of Babies, Puppies and Kittens ♥
Thanks for visiting our blog!
We've been writing about YouTube for almost 8 years now, and we would like to thank all of our readers for coming back to our site, over and over, for many years now.
We love our readers! ♥
This is the first post in a NEW Series we like to call Extreme Videos.
Today we start with Extremely CUTE videos of Babies, Puppies and Kittens ♥
Thanks for visiting our blog!
We've been writing about YouTube for almost 8 years now, and we would like to thank all of our readers for coming back to our site, over and over, for many years now.
We love our readers! ♥
Here are some cute little toddlers getting their first taste of some tasty foods. The little girl in the thumbnail is tasting an Olive and at first, she's not sure what she's just eaten. But after a second or two, slowed down by about a factor of 20 it seems, she decides she likes it and raises her arms in a show of joy! The next baby isn't as pleased, as he got a lemon!
Babies tasting a food for the first time, in slow motion:
What's cuter than puppies and kittens? Flying puppies and kittens! Check out this slow mo music video for a cool rap tune. Watch to the end where you get some insight into the making of this film.
Flying puppies versus flying kittens!
Here's another kitty cat in slow motion. This one is jumping up to catch one of those bird feather cat toys they love so much. Beautiful study in cat body mechanics. The scene where the kitten is blowing milk bubbles from its nose is adorable! Enjoy!
Kitten playing and jumping, in slow motion:
Labels: babies, baby, cute, extreme, flying, kitten, kittens, kitty, puppies, puppy, slow motion
Friday, October 25, 2013
YouTube Stars, on YouTubeStars!
YouTubeStars is still going strong!
Here is our pageview data from our blogger dashboard for today:
Pageviews last month: 41,643
Pageviews all time history: 1,334,283
We've been writing about YouTube for almost 8 years now, and we would like to thank all of our readers for coming back to our site, over and over, for many years now.
We love our readers! ♥
Here is our pageview data from our blogger dashboard for today:
Pageviews last month: 41,643
Pageviews all time history: 1,334,283
We've been writing about YouTube for almost 8 years now, and we would like to thank all of our readers for coming back to our site, over and over, for many years now.
We love our readers! ♥
Here's a video that has our blog title in it's title!
Jenna Marbles, Daily Grace, Shaytards, YouTube Stars-The Decades Series: Today, by Guy Logan
Here is a list of YouTubeStars in the video, and a note on which ones we have covered over the years:
Daily Grace:
The Gregory Brothers:
Mystery Guitar Man:
Jenna Marbles:
Mary Doodles:
Epic Rap Battles of History:
Chester See:
Courtney Pants:
We have mentioned DeStorm, Mystery Guitar Man, Jenna Marbles and Lisa Nova on our site.
Kenny became friends with Joe (Mystery Guitar Man) way back in 2006 when we both frequented, a popular YouTube Forum that has since gone quiet. Here's all our mentions of him: and he's even in the YouTube photo gallery we did in the early days:
Here's some our posts on Lisa Nova:
Watch this video that interviews some top YouTube Stars, right here on YouTubeStars!
Labels: DeStorm, Jenna Marbles, Lisa Nova, LisaNova, MysteryGuitarMan, Shaytards, YouTube Stars
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Diana Reviews YouTube Star Megan Nicole

Megan Nicole, YouTube Star!
Megan Nicole was born on September 2, 1993. She is a Houston, Texas girl with dark shiny locks that any shampoo commercial would love to show off. And those dark brown eyes, so wide and full of life and when she smiles, it reaches them. Go on take a look.
You can add her as a friend on facebook:
Even go to her personal website to see, hear and learn more about Megan:
It's hard to believe this now 20 year old young woman, whom by the way also plays the ukulele and piano, was shy in high school. She says in one of her Q and A's she felt music was a tool to help her overcome her shyness, as the stage is where she feels she is most at home.
Megan joined YouTube on Dec 21, 2009 Her first video where she covers Kings of Leon (Use somebody) is where it all began. She uploaded this the day she became a member. Anxious to get started and get her face out there, Megan started slow, with only a few subscribers, BUT NOW HAS 2,107,252 subscribers. I had never heard her before. I thought the song was very cute and well done, but I kept going, I wanted to see how she went from almost a no one to having over 2 mill subscribers. and being a SUPPORTING ACT for Boyce Avenue World Tour.
Megan has become so well known she has a second channel here with Q&A's with fans, behind the scenes fun and more.
So I am going to find three favorite videos of hers and tell you what I think. I felt how green she was in the start. Shy and a little clumsy on her guitar. It did not take long for her to come into her own. Less than a year later, on Sep 9, 2010, Megan uploaded "Teenage Dream - Katy Perry (Cover) Megan Nicole"
Megan shows she has true talent and knows she's going to be a star in her own right. Her octave range was shown better in this song and she has perfect pitch and harmony. You can see the fun and passion not to mention how adorable she is! Now she is getting me hooked!
We heard her saying she wanted to do her own music, so let's move along, a little over a year later we get B-e-a-utiful- Megan Nicole (Original Song) Music and Lyrics by Megan Nicole, Lairs Johnston, Stephen Folden, and Tom Mgrdichian, Produced by Tom Mgrdichian and Chris Cox, uploaded on Jul 15, 2011.
It's not just her singing, it's a music video that took 25 hours of shooting and 200 extras. I see acting in her future, the way she looks at her crush, with innocent longing, almost begging with her eyes for him to just see her. We all know how popular High School Musical was and this could have been a scene from any of those three movies. I am seeing the whole, all around talent now: singer, musician, and next? Maybe actress????
It takes almost 2 years for another original song, this one called Summer forever Written by Megan Nicole, Morgan Reid, and Prophet. Produced by Morgan Reid, Published on May 27, 2013, with a few face shots in the car of her sister and best friend. (BTW I WANT THAT CAR PLEASE)
A great teen anthem; her songs are sweet, colorful and fun. Something any one of any age can enjoy. Her talent has grown over the years, or maybe she overcame more of her shyness, because all I can see now is a young woman having fun doing what she loves and you know what, I have to say this 34 year old woman adores her. Have a watch and leave with a smile. Do not forget to REQUEST: "Summer Forever" on Radio Disney.
All in all I enjoyed this very much. In the two hours I spent watching videos and learning about this amazing young lady, I had fun, laughed and smiled. I am now a fan of Megan Nicole and I want to wish her luck and a LONG successful career.
P.S. Wrecking Ball - Miley Cyrus (cover) Megan Nicole
I had to add this, I LOVE THIS SONG. It's so powerful, and Kick me in the eye I do not care I Loved the - no pun intended - naked truth of the video. BUT WOW Megan wow. You made this your own, you made it so children could watch a video about a song that is so significant. WAY TO GO.. Beautiful from start to end. And I see you're playing that piano. You have come into your own and I am proud to have made you my daily review! You go gurl!!!!
Labels: "Megan Nicole", Diana, Dianahottie78, Megan Nicole, megannicolesite
Tuesday, October 08, 2013
Diana is Back! Adam Lambert and More.

Enjoy Diana's review!
Rhema Marvanne
Rhema Marvanne is a just turned 11 year old Gospel singer born in Texas, with an amazing voice. Rhema's mother whom she lost when she was just 3 of cancer, was also a singer/song writer. Rhema in an interview said she feels her voice was given to her by God to take over where her mother had left off. Her father is her best friend as you will see in her video All I want for Christmas is you (Daddy).
Her adorable smile, and wide eyes that shines a soul much older then her innocent face shows, will give you chills. She has already made 3 albums, and these videos are of when she was only 7 years old. I know its not Christmas, but why not put on a smile, and feel the love this little girl with the old soul can provide. The goose bumps are just an added bonus! Below are two of my favorite videos.
ALL I Want For Christmas- 7 year old Rhema Marvanne
Also watch, "I'll have a Blue Christmas", a song sang for Rhema's mother Wendi Marvanne who died of Ovarian Cancer in 2003.
Dani Shay
Living in Orlando, FL website facebook
You may have seen her on America's Got Talent (Season 6) singing "What The Hell" A parody song she made up to the sound of BABY by Justin Bieber. Its Hella funny, Yes Dani is a woman, who happens to look a lot like Mr. Bieber. OR as she says he looks like her... You may have also seen her short stint on The Glee Project 2. Dani is a proud woman that dresses to make herself happy. She believes in being yourself no matter how hard it can be.
See her Audition on America's Got Talent(Season 6) here
Also watch:
What the Hell, full song at home video.
The Glee Project 2 - The Glee Project Party Rock Anthem Full Performance with Dani Shay.
Dani is not only a singer she is also a songwriter and guitar player. Here is a video with one of her Glee project 2 friends. They fell in love and Dani was proud to write this song about her. Keep a close eye on the video and see if you can tell who her love is before they show her!
One By Dani Shay
Dani is touring with the Be More Heroic campaign (its about a pro-love approach to anti-bullying). Something close to her heart that she started in early 2011. Dani can be booked for live performances by emailing info[at]
Adam Lambert
born January 29, 1982
Most people know Adam Lambert as the runner up (In my humble opinion, he should have won) in 2009's season 8 of American idol. And as any Gleek should know, will be appearing in Season 5 of Glee, I myself am excited to see this as both a fan of Adam Lambert and being an out and open Gleek myself. But did you know before he was known on American Idol, back in 2004 he played Joshua in the The Ten Commandments: The Musical, that was staged at the Kodak Theater in Hollywood. He starred with other well known actors like Val Kilmer as Moses and Alisan Porter as Miriam. Alisan Porter is best known as the little star of 1991's Curly Sue.
The Ten Commandments: The Musical was directed by Robert Iscove, with choreography by Travis Payne and costumes by Max Azria. All of the original cast in 2006 were taped and a DVD was made of the play, available on Netflix DVD. Below is a short video of one of Adam's Solos playing Joshua singing "Is Anybody Listening?" This video is part of what you will see if you rent or buy the DVD, "The Ten Commandments: The Musical." I have seen this twice; the acting and singing is something as good as anything you might see on Broadway. You won't want to miss seeing this!!!
Is Anybody Listening?
Labels: "Adam Lambert", Adam Lambert, AdamLambertVEVO, danishay, Dianahottie78, RhemaMarvanne
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