Thursday, February 20, 2014
Lyn Price Reviews 60s Rock Videos
Today we welcome a NEW guest blogger, Lyn Price. Lyn is a talented singer who is joining us to review Music Videos from the 1960s! Read what Lyn says about two Garage Rock videos and a huge Psychedelic Pop hit by rock stars Tommy James and the Shondells.
Groovy Sixties Tunes!
The Monocles
"I Can't Win"
In Los Angeles, 1967, a songwriter named Jim Newby wrote a classic garage hit - "I Can't Win"
This track stood out among others because it contained all the makings of a great Garage song. In a record shop, in the front row, you could see the song "I Can't Win". Once you hear this song, you want to hear it again and again.
"I Can't Win" is still a winner. One reason may be that elements of Garage Rock are flying high at high speed. This track delivers - Garage at it's best with Surf, Rockabilly, Psychedelic and Exotica. The music flows - makes the listener want to dance.
The Illusion
"Did You See Her Eyes"
In 1969, a band from Hempstead, Long Island, New York got hold of a smoking hot Garage song entitled "Did You See Her Eyes". The song, filled with exquisite drum rolls, earth shaking harmonies and psychedelic heaven, made it to 32 on the Top Forty.
The video, put together by Music Mike, has not lost anything, even a moment of the excitement that this track generates. Illusion are a fantastically good Garage band and this video, with music and pictures, put Illusion on the map.
The video is psychedelic, with colors flowing and images dancing. This song did put Illusion on the map. And it's still there, ready to pick up and move forward.
Do not miss out on listening to this track. It moves.
"Crimson & Clover"
“Hanky Panky,” “Mony Mony,” “I Think We’re Alone Now,” “Crimson and Clover,” “Crystal Blue Persuasion,” “Draggin’ The Line”... The music of Tommy James is heard continuously, everyday, in every country in the world: on radio, television or a film soundtrack. To date, he's sold over 100 million records and has been awarded 23 gold singles plus nine gold and platinum albums.
Born in Dayton, Ohio and raised in Michigan, Tommy James was modelling at age 4. He formed his first band early on - and recorded "Hanky Panky". Although it achieved success on a local level, it didn't move the way it should have but, several years later, the song was found in a record bin by a D.J. Then the crowds began to request the song again and again.
This song, "Crimson and Clover" is sung with a lot of feeling and was immensely popular. The same goes for all his songs, and "Hanky Panky" is such a good dance record that it's not surprising the crowd responded well to the D.J.'s decision to push it. The response to "Crimson and Clover" was something close to magic. Tommy James, born Tommy Jackson, has been putting music out there for a very long time. Let's give him and the Shondells a large round of applause !
Tommy James, links and more:
Tommy James Book: Read his autobiography - Me, The Mob And The Music. We hear it is now in development for a film, quite exciting! Also, go to Tommy's YouTube channel and see the first show - INSIDE TRACKS WITH TOMMY JAMES - some interesting behind the scenes stuff, with a new show coming every 3 weeks.
Here's a very popular podcast interview with Tommy James, from
Tommy James Book: Read his autobiography - Me, The Mob And The Music. We hear it is now in development for a film, quite exciting! Also, go to Tommy's YouTube channel and see the first show - INSIDE TRACKS WITH TOMMY JAMES - some interesting behind the scenes stuff, with a new show coming every 3 weeks.
Here's a very popular podcast interview with Tommy James, from
Labels: "Lyn Price", "Tommy James and the Shondells", "Tommy James", 1960s, 60s, Garage, Garage Rock, Lyn, music, Rock
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Diana Reviews Kayla Lynn McKinney

Kayla Lynn McKinney, young and so talented!
YouTube channel
Its time to meet Kayla Lynn McKinney, born and raised in Princeton, West Virginia. This beautiful girl, who at the age of 13 can play guitar, bass and drums. Kayla also says she can play a little piano and stand up bass. Well that sounds pretty amazing to me. Kayla is in an a-Capella group called Distraction. ( Great name BTW )
Kayla likes to edit her music videos with the use of Final Cut Pro X. SO much talent, and I am like you, just learning about this girl. Kayla states, "I have dreams!" She has been the victim of bullying and feels it's her mission to use her music to help put an end to it. Well Kayla I agree with you; this is indeed a beautiful mission!
Kayla's mother, Melissa McKinney, owns a music school called Stages Music School. This is where the a-Capella group Distraction first got started just this past fall.
Distraction is made up of 5 girls, with Kayla being the youngest. It should also be noted that Distraction is heavily influenced by Delta Rae.
Kayla McKinney, age 13 ( NOW 14 as of Feb 9th 2014 )
Jenna Arthur, age 14
Jedah Palmer, age 14
Ary'an Graham, age 15
Kaylee Meadows, age 15
OK so let's get on with the videos...
Born This Way Lady Gaga Cover by Miss Behavin Filmed by KQllFILMS
Miss Behavin got together to perform "Born this way" for The Mercer County Parents and Students Coalition against bullying. Kayla starts this song out and remember it was in 2012 so she was only 12 years old. Still young yet powerful, these children got together and used their raw talent to put together a music video. I think it's amazing when young people want to make a change in this world, but not only want to, try to.
To put yourself out there to be judged is a scary and powerful feeling. These girls should feel proud. To stand up for what you believe in and use your talents as a way to get the world to see and hear you is admirable to say the least. Way to go girls, way to go.... More videos by Miss Behaving can be found here
Invisible Scars by Kayla Lynn Filmed by KQllFILMS
Staying with the topic of bullying, Kayla wrote a song called Invisible Scars in honor of a classmate named Dalton Walker age 12 who was a victim of bullying and took his own life. Kayla, also 12 at this time, says she wrote this song not only in honor of Dalton Walker, but because she became severely depressed as a result of being bullied herself before she got the help she needed to get past it. Kayla wants kids of all ages to know there are people who care about you and want to help! You may not know them yet, but they exist, and I am one of them! If you have been bullied or you are depressed, please seek Help and don't wait until its too late. All profits from this song went to MCPASCAB, a group that is determined to put an end to bullying in her community and beyond!
A 12 year old wrote and sang this song! Seeing her walking with her skin marked in hateful words brings tears to my eyes, I sometimes can't understand why there has to be hate, but then have to remember with out hate and pain, we would not see the beauty that can follow. Beautifully written, sang and acted. Very powerful and again at only 12 years old. This is a girl I am sure we will be seeing a lot more of!
Distraction singing Detla Rea cover Bottom of the River.
This video is Produced, Directed, and Editing by Kayla McKinney. Talk about talent and then some from this girl. The song and its performance lends themselves to a broad range of interpretation by each listener. This video is the newest from Kayla, Its dark and beautiful. The message to me again feels along the lines of bullying. One minute you have all the friends in the world, and before you know it you are alone. ( This song is up for interpretation, from the original to Kayla's version. The one with Delta Rea has to me a Salem witch trial feel and this one more along the lines of bullying? What do you think? ) Kayla starts this out with a grunge/punk look. This has a dark somewhat disturbing feel to it. Very well sung and acted. The video was given a new look with some homage paid to the original video by Delta Rea.
I love their harmony and these girls have great chemistry and play off each other very well. The editing was very well done, and very professional. The scenery was beautiful and perfect for this song, as it invoked images specific for the lyrics. All in all, I would have to say that the only way for Kayla McKinney to go is UP!
Writer's side note (by Diana):
I am with Kayla 100% on this. Bullying is wrong, but you are not alone. If you are a victim of bullying and need help, please don't be afraid to tell someone, a parent, teacher, counselor, or anyone you trust. GET HELP NOW!
Bullying can affect you in many ways. You may lose sleep or feel sick. You may want to skip school. You may even be thinking about suicide. If you are feeling hopeless or helpless or know someone that is, please call the LIFELINE at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). They are there to help, not judge.
If you need someone to talk to and just listen, that is what they are there for. Don't be afraid to help yourself, there is NO one more important than YOU!
I am with Kayla 100% on this. Bullying is wrong, but you are not alone. If you are a victim of bullying and need help, please don't be afraid to tell someone, a parent, teacher, counselor, or anyone you trust. GET HELP NOW!
Bullying can affect you in many ways. You may lose sleep or feel sick. You may want to skip school. You may even be thinking about suicide. If you are feeling hopeless or helpless or know someone that is, please call the LIFELINE at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). They are there to help, not judge.
If you need someone to talk to and just listen, that is what they are there for. Don't be afraid to help yourself, there is NO one more important than YOU!
Labels: "Delta Rae, "Lady Gaga", "Stages Music School", Diana, Dianahottie78, KaylaLynnRocks
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