Monday, April 30, 2007


Food, Music and Games

Spring is here! The weather is getting warmer and it's time to gather with friends for good food, good music, and good fun and games. In this post, we will look at some videos that you can watch with your friends, or talk about with your friends. The first deals with food, the second is a music video, and the last two are about some mysterious online games.

First, let's have a look at this week's YouTube Top 100 Weekly Chart. Well, it finally happened! Lonelygirl15 fell from first place this week. She had been in the top spot since 9/18/2006 but now she has switched positions with Smosh. Debuting on the chart at number 84 this week is anafree. More on this female singer/songwriter/guitarist below.

The 2BuxMall, a place to make your own Store where you can promote or sell things, continued testing this week. So far, there are 9 test Stores open. Many of the links on the Store pages are live; visit some of the Stores and see for yourself! Store customization has been tested. Comment system has been tested. Video auctions are being tested. Sales of digital downloads (songs -MP3s) are being tested. "Get YOUR Tube Bucks!" See for more information.

Youtube Sandwiches

If you're getting together with friends, there has to be food available! The easiest thing to do is put out a spread of cold cuts, some bread and condiments, and paper plates and napkins. Let everyone go to this buffet table and make their own sandwich. Oh, and make a video of yourself making your sandwich - that's what YouTuber raz0rsex wants you to do! Nineteen year old Paulina made a video about sandwiches on February 13th asking people to make a video response about what kind of sandwiches everyone likes. Now, after almost 1 million views, the video has 121 responses! Watch the vid and make response 122...

If you can't see the video above, watch it on YouTube.

Ana Free - Chained

Now that everyone is fed, it's time for some music. Usually, someone in the group has some musical ability. Maybe Sammy can sing some Karaoke tunes or Katie will lay down a rap. If your group of friends is lacking in talent, have a listen to anafree as she strums her guitar and sings a song. Ana is a young attractive dark-haired woman from Portugal who has earned over 10 thousand subscribers since she started posting videos in January. Here is an original song for you to watch and listen to!

If you can't see the video above, watch it on YouTube.

Wanna Play?

Let's play some games! Someone has to get up and lead the group in an interactive fun party game. Lately, my friends have been playing "I'm going camping..." Have you ever played that one? How about some online community games! It looks like GreenTeaGirlie has some game ideas. Kallie is 20 (or 22, depending on where you look) and sells Green Tea. She has caused quite a stir in YouTubia since she began making videos a month ago. The next video in this post goes into some of that. But first, watch this one and try to figure out the significance of the numbers on the white board behind Kallie.

If you can't see the video above, watch it on YouTube.

GreenTeaGirlie Query

Who IS GreenTeaGirlie? This video investigates that question. Is she real or fake? Here we go again! It's LittleLoca, LucyInLA, Lonelygirl15, Daxflame all over again - real or fake? Watch and see what writer and now videomaker AwkRando has to say on this topic. Either way, a mystery is always fun to talk about with your friends!

If you can't see the video above, watch it on YouTube.

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I really GreenTeaGirlie' s videos she is very talented and it shows in her videos. I don't know if she is real or fake yet but I will continue investigating,either way I love her videos. razorsex has great videos ,I enjoyed her videos also,she is pretty talented also. Anafree is absolutely awesome with her great singing voice, great acoustic guitar playing and her cute smile. She is awesome.

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