Thursday, June 08, 2006
Something Old, Something New
I'd like to begin this guide to the YouTube Stars by showing you two clips from two different female YouTube members. After all, ladies go first!
Something old
The first time I came to YouTube was about 6 or 8 months ago. I followed a link from another site; it may have been a news organization's online report, I'm not sure. But I do remember watching the video I linked to, for the first time. It is the "Hey Clip" and it was made by Tasha (her MySpace page is here), a 21 year old woman living in Israel, and her friend Dishka. These two ladies decided to lipsynch, dance and play guitar to the song "Hey", by The Pixies, an alt-rock band from the late 80s. The ladies are attractive, but the charm of the performance is in their confident yet playful delivery. The editing is very good. Scenes are of just the right length and some are amusing.
This video is very popular on YouTube, and has been since Tasha first posted it in September, 2005. It has been viewed over 5 MILLION times and has received over 4800 comments! Tasha is still popular on YouTube and has uploaded a total of 13 videos. Please visit Tasha's YouTube profile and watch some of her other work as well.
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