Monday, July 30, 2007
3 Ladies and a Blast from the 80s
Hello, video viewers! Here's another set of videos worth watching, comin' atcha from the YouTubeStars studios. See Faintstarlite at the YouTube debates, celebrate HallieBaby's anniversary, listen to wisdom from YsabellaBrave, and dance to a New Wave powerpop video from 1980. It's all right here for your viewing enjoyment!
But first, The News. This week saw two new entries on the YouTube Top 100 Weekly Chart. Debuting at number 100 is hoiitsroi. Watch their latest, a dance workout spoof, here. Coming on the charts at number 98 is roadrunnerrecords; stop by for your daily dose of METAL! \m/ At the head of the charts, esmeedenters and miaarose swap 3rd and 4th places. Esmee picked up 2575 new subs this week, pushing her ahead of mia but still 30 thousand behind 2nd place Lonelygirl15. LisaNove moves up one spot to number 8. Is her spam campaign (automated or not) helping her rise or do people love her vids? Maybe all the controversy is helping. What do you guys think? Go check out the rest of the Hot 100 and see the big movers this week - Jordan... and vlogo...
Surprise! I'm at the CNN/YouTube Debate!
Did you watch the Democrat Presidential candidates' debate sponsored by CNN and YouTube? I did; pretty interesting! I thought it was a fresh way to ask questions and get answers at this early stage of the contest. In this video, we see Ester (faintstarlite) as she files a report from Charleston, South Carolina on the day of the debate.
If you can't see the video above, watch it on YouTube.
What a LOVEly Year
Some people just look great on camera. They seem to exude personality and light up the computer monitor with their presense. HallieBaby is one such person. This British lass from Bristol has a Musicians account on YT but she does plenty of vlogs too. She has 4442 subscribers to her 51 vids and just celebrated her one year anniversary of YouTubing by putting out this retrospective of some of her shining moments from past videos. Let Hallie bring a smile to your face; watch this video!
If you can't see the video above, watch it on YouTube.
Envy & Jealousy
If you're a regular reader, you've seen us feature the fabulous singing videos by YsabellaBrave. But did you know that MaryAnne has a "talk" channel as well? Keep enjoying her music videos, but also subscribe to her words of wisdom over at her talk channel, ysabellabravetalk. This is good stuff; check it out!
If you can't see the video above, watch it on YouTube.
Revillos - Scuba Scuba
Here's a fun music video from The Revillos, a cool New Wave dance band from the 80s. If you like the B-52s, the Go-Gos, Blondie or 80s music in general, you'll love this one. So clear a little room in front of the computer before you press play; you'll want to get up and DANCE to this one! Go a little crazy; act a little silly! Heck, that's what YouTube is all about! Now, press Play - dance and shout and work it on out - yeah Baby!
If you can't see the video above, watch it on YouTube.
Labels: faintstarlite, HallieBaby, revillos, rezillos, Ysabellabrave, Ysabellabravetalk
Monday, July 23, 2007
We Get Emails!
We get Emails and YouTube Messages all the time with recommendations of videomakers to write about, here on YouTubeStars. In this post, I'll show videos by some people that we have recently received messages about. If you know anyone who you think we should write about, email Kenny (KennyCrane AT bellsouth DOT net) or comment on this post.
But first, The News! Tomorrow, Monday the 23rd of July, YouTube joins with CNN to host the first of two presidential debates. This one is for the Democrat candidates (Republicans debate on 9/17) and will be held in Charleston, S.C. and moderated by Anderson Cooper. It will be shown on CNN at 7 PM Eastern time. CNN will chose the questions for the debate from nearly 3000 videoclips submitted to YouTube over the last several weeks. Read more at YouTube, the LA Times, the Hollywood Reporter, and USA Today.
Here's a few comments on this week's YouTube Top 100 Chart. ArtieTSMITW moved up one position this week, adding 457 new subscribers. By now, you may have seen him in the new Geico commercial playing on Fox News and elsewhere. (He talks about the commercial in this video.) Congrats on that, Brandon! Vlogolution is up 16 spots and rockongoodpeople is up 9. Read more about rockongoodpeople, here. The Top Ten is usually fairly stable, but this week saw a lot of movement. Esmeedenters moved into the top 4, and HappySlip and LisaNova both moved up two spots. Check out the entire chart here.
Everybody Loves Kris
Here's a great video that I heard about in a message from CelestialSam. It's a tribute video to KrisShred in honor of his 1000th subscriber and one year anniversary of YouTube membership. Sam starts off with a great introduction, then there are clips from many other YouTubers. Check it out!
If you can't see the video above, watch it on YouTube.
Through The Fire And Flames - AGAIN!
I recently received an email from Jackie DiMarzo who asked if I would like to see an "excellent guitarist." The guitarist mentioned was longestsoloever, also known as Dean DiMarzo (visit his myspace). I checked him out and he IS an excellent guitarist! Watch this video where he plays two tracks from Dragonforce's "Through the Fire and Flames." This is a remake of his earlier very successful video of the same song. Rock on, Dean!
If you can't see the video above, watch it on YouTube.
TheHill88 Song
A recent email from Dave complemented us on this blog and asked us to have a look at suicidefriendly. Dave was musician behind MGM's "Playing with Myself" video, a version of which appears on the SuicideFriendly channel. He also did a Theme song for DigitalSoul and this tribute song to Caitlin, theHill88. Check out this nice tribute to a cool YouTubeStar!
If you can't see the video above, watch it on YouTube.
Bohemian Rhapsody - Ukulele Bartt
Another recent email came from UkuleleBart. He also liked this blog but said that he had not seen any ukulele players mentioned here. He went on to say that there are "lots of pretty interesting ukers on YouTube." I checked out Bart's profile and found his songs to be interesting! Here's a cover of Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" for your viewing and listening pleasure.
If you can't see the video above, watch it on YouTube.
Letting Go (original)
Back in May, I got an email from Esko about a 17 year old German girl who sings in a second language - English. The email linked to this video. The girl who sings, plays and wrote the song is Alex; she goes by the YouTube name of xyly. Alex has 4 other videos on YouTube but this is the only original. Enjoy it; I did!
If you can't see the video above, watch it on YouTube.
Labels: ArtieTSMITW, Celestialsam, KrisShred, longestsoloever, suicidefriendly, TheHill88, UkuleleBart, xyly
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
More 1960s Music Videos
This post adds to four videos I discussed in the 1960s Music Videos post. This time, I'll list some Garage Rock videos I found on YouTube. If you like this kind of music, check out some Garage podcasts on this blog and some MP3s here. There is a longer list of YouTube Garage videos at this blog post.
Leaves - Hey Joe
This is not the Jimi Hendrix version. It's the uptempo 60's Garage Rock version by The Leaves, from California.
Black Diamonds - I Want, Need, Love You
This fuzzpunk Garager is from an Australain band.
T h i r t e e n t h F l o o r E l e v a t o r s
Roky and the boys from Texas sing their one hit, "You're Gonna Miss Me" on Dick Clark's American Bandstand. From the record titled "The Psychedelic Sounds of the 13th Floor Elevators."
M A X F R O S T A N D THE TROOPERS - Shape Of Things To Come
From the movie "Wild in the Streets." Change the voting age to 14 and elect the first "wigged-out" president. Then stick anyone over 30 in LSD camps. Interesting movie with a great soundtrack.
The Honeybees - You Need Us
Here's a fun one from Gilligan's Island! Ginger, Mary Anne and Mrs. Howell form The Honeybees and perform their smash hit, "You Need Us."
Labels: 1960s, Garage, music, Rock
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Celestialsam Writes, again

I think it's fair to say that CelestialSam is one of the nicest young ladies on YouTube. She always has nice things to say in her comments on other people's videos and she makes classy, enthusiastic and positive videos that are entertaining and fun to watch.
Here's a few items of Sam trivia from one of her websites:
"I aspire to become an professional actress. I am a serious firearm enthusiast. I eat healthy organic food. Main staples: palak paneer, pad thai, baba ghannouj, and spinach fattoush." Mmmmmmm, sounds delicious!
Sam likes to help to promote other videomakers by sending out bulletins and featuring singers' songs in her videos (like KrisShred and YsabellaBrave). She also promotes others by writing about them. This is the second time she has been a guest poster here at YouTubeStars. After you read this, please check out her first guest post. Thanks!
Daddy (Original)
Gijs a.k.a. TheTroubadourJacobs is an exceptionally talented one-man-band. His lyrics will have you tapping your toes and laughing out loud. His smooth voice and unique sound will have you begging for more. In one of his more recent videos, "Daddy," Gijs jokingly sings about his less-than-admirable father figure: "He's a beercan artist, stacks them up from the floor; every week a diffrent shape, he's got a bilion or more." Be sure not to miss any of his whimsical performances!
If you can't see the video above, watch it on YouTube.
A Question To My Gentelmen
sistaspooky1013 recently posted a poem of her own composition which she reads in a recent video titled "A Question To My Gentleman." Sit back, close your eyes and listen to her beautiful, soft and sultry voice enchant, intrigue and inform you of "how to take a woman far."
If you can't see the video above, watch it on YouTube.
James (new original song!)
MaryAnne a.k.a. ysabellabrave has released her first actual self-edited and original music video entitled "James." Listen to and savor her angelic voice and indulge in her ethereal beauty. Let her video transport you to a place of solace.
If you can't see the video above, watch it on YouTube.
Greg's HOT Sister.
Enjoy Kate's a.k.a. Katers17's video "Greg's HOT Sister." In it, Kate is put to the task of watching after Greg's sister after a kitchen ladle incident. When she arrives, Kate realizes she's Greg's hot sister isn't quite what she had envisioned. Whatever will she do? Watch to find out!
If you can't see the video above, watch it on YouTube.
Labels: Celestialsam, katers17, sistaspooky1013, TheTroubadourJacobs, Ysabellabrave
Monday, July 09, 2007
Yesterday was lucky 7/7/07. The date shows up once every 100 years and people thought that since 7 is supposed to be a lucky number, 7/7/07 should be a super-lucky day. Check the news - it didn't work out very well for some people in Iraq. But there were two big events that happened yesterday, the Live Earth concerts and the YouTube Gathering in New York. We have videos from both events, as well as a thought-provoking one from PeriUrban and a really cool improv'ed short from the 10$ movie club.
First, the News. The biggest mover on this week's YouTube Top 100 chart is jordanjohnson. Jordan moved up 34 spots to the number 61 position. He is a pop singer, and according to his website: "Jordan is currently touring the United States, and has been performing and signing autographs in many of the malls and music stores across the country. In addition, he has had the opportunity to open for artists such as Jesse McCartney, Hilary Duff, Ryan Cabrera, The Click Five, Nick Lachey, The Cheetah Girls, and Aaron Carter."
The highest debut this week is rockongoodpeople at number 86. This is the new channel from David Taub, formerly of thenextlevelguitar YouTube channel. Thenextlevelguitar channel, home of very popular guitar lessons, was taken down last week due to copyright violations according to this NPR news story. Watch this video for more information.
Also big news this week is the Jesari/Young YouTubers scandal. It has been said that these channels were made by young YouTubers, possibly under the YouTube minimum age of 13. YouTube shut them down without any warning or explanation. See Tom's (tlg847) video and UpDownMostly's video on this subject.
Finally, there are now some videos on YouTube with "small banner [ads] at the bottom of the video you're playing. It appears a few seconds into the video and the user can ... click on it to see the ad..." I have not seen any videos with these banner ads yet. I wonder what the reaction of the viewers will be to this. Read the full news story here.
The Police Live Earth - Message In A Bottle
The Live Earth concert series took place this weekend with shows in cities on 7 continents. Over 100 artists played to an audience estimated to be 2 billion people. The Police got back together to play one of their classic hits, with help from John Mayer and Kanye West. Comments on this video almost unanimously pan West's performance. Watch and see what you think! For more information on Live Earth, visit the official website. I like the idea of saving energy and money with Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFLs). You can buy CFLs at Walmart. Be part of the solution, not the problem!
If you can't see the video above, watch it on YouTube.
Cliff Notes of NYC 777
Here's some thoughts and brief clips from the New York City 7/7/07 YouTube Gathering, as presented by nalts. Nalts is one of the people being paid by YouTube for their videos. He is at number 62 this week on the weekly chart. You'll see spricket24, happyslip, brookers and others in this video. Looks like they had a great time!
If you can't see the video above, watch it on YouTube.
Just A Video Warehouse?
What is YouTube for? What does it provide for you? Is it just a place to upload videos for your friends to see, or is it a place to meet new friends and be part of a community? Some just come to watch and others want to change the world by creating their own eNation. PeriUrban shares his questions and possible answers in this video about the YouTube community. Check out the video and all the comments!
If you can't see the video above, watch it on YouTube.
10$ Movie Club Presents "Unhinged"
Here's a great short movie that I discovered on the Your Tube Stats service's list of All Videos. This service lets users track their number of subscribers weekly It also lets users keep a list of their Favorite Videos from YouTube AND LiveVideo. Users can rate, tag and write notes on each video in their List.
This cool thriller movie was made by editorfree who lives in L.A. and works as a movie trailer creator. It stars Leah Ann Cevoli (LeahAnn4) as the female lead who is stalked by her ex-boyfriend. Be sure to check out Leah's videos, especially her voiceover work as Animated Characters from the hit cartoon "Robot Chicken" and her appearance on Geek Rawk talking about her role in HBO's series Deadwood.
If you can't see the video above, watch it on YouTube.
Labels: freeeditor, John Mayer, Kenye West, Live Earth, nalts, PeriUrban, Police, Sting, YouTube Gathering
Monday, July 02, 2007
YouTubeStars and NonStars
What is a YouTubeStar? How do you become one? How do you know when you are one? How many subscribers do you need to consider yourself a YouTubeStar? For the past year, I've been writing here about people that I consider to be YouTubeStars. New YouTubeStars are showing up all the time. There's even a contest going on among YouTube NonStars to see who people like the best. We'll see a video about that, below. We'll also have a look at someone who is gaining popularity overnight and watch a video from a singer in the Netherlands who included a bunch of YouTubers in his latest movie.
But first, the news. This week's Top 100 Chart shows 6 changes in the Top 10 from last week! That rarely happens. Esmee Denters, TheWineKone and HappySlip all moved up one spot from last week. In positions 21 to 40, 18 out of 20 changed positions. Paris Hilton got out of jail this week and moved up two spots to the number 70 position. If you're interested in Paris Hilton's subscriber history, here is her chart. PivotMasterDX, the "Stick Figures on Crack" guy, debuts on the chart this week at Number 62 - impressive!
In other news this week, VenetianPrincess opens her own website and MysteryGuitarMan puts his videocam up on eBay. We also got sad news this week. Darahgna's beloved dog Basil passed away on Saturday. Please watch Angharad's amazing tribute video to Basil, and her older video starring Basil, The Wiredhaired Fox Terrier.
Battle of the YouTube NonStars: Nominee Elimination Show
This video introduces the 36 YouTube NonStars who will compete in coming weeks to see who is the most popular NonStar. Jenluv37 is hosting this competition on her channel again. This is season two of the series; Hughsnews barely beat out K80Blog in the first round back in March. 63 nominees entered this second season last week and those entrants were narrowed down to 36, this week. Here they are - who will YOU vote for?
If you can't see the video above, watch it on YouTube.
Tara Busch - Tag
It was reported this week that TaraBusch's new psychedelic music video, "Tag" was the number one most viewed video on both YouTube and MySpaceTV. Tara is singer from L.A. She only has 68 subscribers and 3000 profile views on YouTube, but she teamed up with ZeitGhost Media to get the word out about this film. It worked! It's been seen over 280 thousand times on YouTube and over 2 million times on MySpace. Hmmm, interesting... In any case, Tara's music is very cool, with a Indie Psychedelic vibe. Check out her other videos and her songs on MySpace. I like her songs; how about you?
If you can't see the video above, watch it on YouTube.
Don't Ask - Wouter Hamel - official video
Here's a jazz/pop music video by WouterHamel from the Neatherlands. He asked various YouTubers to do a lipsynch video to this song and he features clips of them in this video. Jennifer Newberry, an attractive and talented singer that I've written about before, is in this video! Enjoy this music video, then read more about this cool new Jazz singer on his YT Profile and his website.
If you can't see the video above, watch it on YouTube.
Labels: JenLuv37, Jennifer Newberry, JenniferNew21, TaraBusch, WouterHamel, YouTube NonStars
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