Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Vlogs to Think About
Have you ever watched a video that really made you think? Here are 3 videos with messages. Watch and take some time to think about what the person in the video is saying. Some videos give a few minutes of laughter, others cheer you with a nice song; these will inspire you to think about the topics these awesome vloggers are talking about.
But first, The News!
This week's Featured Video on our Top 100 and Top 200 Charts is an interesting video from Piper Reese (PipersPicksTV) - in which this young tween interviews the often outrageous YouTube Star comedian Shane Dawson. Piper asks Shane Dawson some very good questions and Shane gives fun and intelligent answers. Piper points out that Shane's videos sometimes help people out, and Shane responds that his videos are outrageous but contain some moral. Also hear Shane Dawson talk about cats and dogs, YouTube and TV, Selena Gomez and Miley Cyrus. Watch it!
We have a NEW Featured Video every week on our YouTube Top 100 Chart. If you missed any of our Previously Featured Videos, you can still watch them here.
Check out our Top 100 and Top 200 Charts of the Most Subscribed YouTube Channels every week!
Pop and Jazz singer Steffi Ledbetter (singingfool14) is in the Finals of Cree Ingles Idol Search Season 10. We love her voice and her style! Here is Steffi singing a Parody that she wrote herself, of Katy Perry's "California Girls" which she calls "Alabama Girls"
Loren Ann Martin is doing very well in the Ark Star contest that we recently wrote about. Loren is just 14 but her original pop song, "All Figured Out" is catchy and well written. The video is well made too! Vote for Loren, here. Good Luck, Loren!
Now, watch Vlogs to think about!
Emilythebravee is an intelligent and interesting vlogger who is beginning to get noticed on YouTube. Emily Lynne Carson is from California and is just beginning her freshman year at college, where she lives in a dorm with one roommate. I first heard of her from YouTube musician Mike Lombardo, last Fall. He noticed what a talented vlogger she is. Mike should know; he is in a relationship with One of the great YouTube vloggers, HayleyGHoover.
In this video titled "Not Brave", Emily talks about her video image versus how she is in real life. She lists minor and major things about herself that she says are "flaws." Emily's point is, don't be fooled by who you see in a video, they are not perfect, no one is, we all have flaws. Don't aspire to be someone else, be who you are and realize that "we are all awesome in our own way." Think about what you would like to improve about yourself, and which things aren't flaws at all but simply characteristics that make you who you are.
In this insightful call for action, Emily talks about the YouTube Community. She mentions that there are watchers and makers. Based on her experience at YouTube and visits to the last 2 VidCons, she talks about ways for the watchers and makers of videos to better connect with each other. Start a conversation with people you find to be interesting on YouTube. Comment, do video replies and even blog like we do here! Keep the Community alive! This is YouTube, it is not TV. We have two-way communication here and we have to work to keep that going. Think about what you can do to improve the YouTube Community.
HannahDoesVlogs is a 15 year old "crazy, nerdy" vlogger from the UK. She has 13 vlogs that I find to be intelligent and interesting. Hannah Hunter gives her analysis of a few songs produced by the Ark Music Factory (who also produced Rebecca Black's "Friday") in a few of her vlogs in a smart and respectful manner. Watch them to get a nicely presented assessment of Ark Music Factory from a person who is in the target demographics for their songs and videos. Here are Hannah's opinion videos on Ark: click here and here.
In the following video, Hannah gives her opinion about certain types of behavior by people her age. She says that people her age are starting to grow up really fast, acting like they are 19 or 20. She has heard of them drinking, smoking and "doing sexual things" - Hannah says she doesn't get what the rush is. At 15, people are just beginning to be at an age when they can do more things, but they don't yet know who they are and often get pressured into doing things they are not yet ready to do. Hannah observes that teens will rebel from their parents and the law, but she manages to have fun with her friends without doing these things which may be harmful. She thinks it is lame to do things like this just to show off. Watch and listen to Hannah's own words. Then think about who you want to be, how you want to behave, and how you might handle it if people try to pressure you to do things you do not want to do.
Labels: ARK Music Factory, creeingles, EmilyTheBravee, HannahDoesVlogs, LorenAnnMartin, PipersPicksTV, shanedawsontv, singingfool14
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Ark Music Factory Singing Contest
Ark Music Factory is having a contest! The winner will receive a song written by owner Patrice Wilson, the same man who wrote "Friday" for Rebecca Black. The winner will also get to record the song in an L.A. studio and make a music video. Entrants had to be between the ages of 10 and 17, and had to submit a YouTube video of themselves singing. The contest submission period was from July 22 to August 5. Over 100 singers entered the contest, and you can see their videos here.
It is now time for members of the Ark Music Factory to vote for their favorite contestant. You can sign up to be a Member of Ark, Here.
The rules of the contest are here. In the first round which ends in a few days, 40 contestants will be chosen to continue. Here are YouTube videos of some Ark Music Factory contestants that we really enjoyed!
Vote for Loren Ann Martin, HERE.
We chose Loren Ann Martin's video for her Original song, "All Figured Out" as This week's Featured Video on our Top 100 and Top 200 Charts. Loren is 14 and lives in Indiana. She has written two original songs; this one and "His Eyes." Loren is a very good singer and she can also act! Enjoy listening to her sing her catchy pop songs and check out these well made videos!
We have a NEW Featured Video every week on our YouTube Top 100 Chart. If you missed any of our Previously Featured Videos, you can still watch them here.
Check out our Top 100 and Top 200 Charts of the Most Subscribed YouTube Channels every week!
More Ark Music Contest videos that we like!
Vote for Laurie-Anne Palin, HERE.
Vote for Katiebelle Akin, HERE.
Vote for Jillian Rae, HERE.
Vote for Natasha Fisher, HERE.
Vote for Tiffany Sanchez, HERE.
Vote for Torrey Mercer, HERE.
Vote for Elizabeth Elias, HERE.
Each of these singers is following their dreams and we wish them all the best in the contest and in their music! We'll give you all an update on the Ark Contest in the coming weeks. Good luck to all the contestants!
Labels: ARK Music Factory, contest, Patrice Wilson, singer
Thursday, August 04, 2011
Ladies in Red
Today I'll show you two singing videos from Ladies in Red outfits. Each has their own style, which is quite different from what you normally see on YouTube. If you like what I show you here, check out their other uploads!
But first, The News!
This week's Featured Video on our Top 100 and Top 200 Charts is a sweet home made performance video of Roxanne Andrighetti (Randrigh) singing her new original song, Find My Bliss. Roxy likes to use her music as an emotional outlet and her lyrics are often autobiographical. Here's the tags she chose, it will give you an idea about the song and its singer:
Randrigh Roxanne invisible meaninglessness find my blind live from the vancouver bedroom italian persian singer in canada unsigned originalWatch the Featured Video of Roxy singing about her feelings; click on it!
We have a NEW Featured Video every week on our YouTube Top 100 Chart. If you missed any of our Previously Featured Videos, you can still watch them here.
Check out our Top 100 and Top 200 Charts of the Most Subscribed YouTube Channels every week!
Pop and Jazz singer Steffi Ledbetter (singingfool14) is competing in Cree Ingles Idol Search Season 10. We love her voice and her style! Here is Steffi singing Rihanna's "Take a Bow." Also, enjoy Steffi singing a great jazzy version of "I Got Rhythm!"
Marina Orlova (HotForWords) is now a U.S. Citizen! You may have seen her recent segment about that on The Factor with Bill O'Reilly. Marina recently changed her video format to be less flashy, more serious and shorter. I like her stripped down style but not everyone does. Do you?
Now, watch the Ladies In Red!
SweetRose is a lovely lady who is loaded with style and class. She loves to sing and always has a song in her heart. Her voice is pleasant and soothing; we like to hear her sing! SweetRose also has some beautiful outfits, complete with matching hats, that add to the charm of her singing videos. Here is SweetRose singing Selena Gomez & The Scene's new hit, "Love You Like A Love Song" - guaranteed to make you smile!

Vicki Owens is an outgoing lady who loves to use lavish outfits and props to enhance her singing performances. She is always smiling and dancing around as she covers new hits and classics. Her voice is smooth and expressive; we like to hear her and watch her move! Vicki can often found at the Ark Music Factory website spreading good will with her encouraging messages on profile pages and the Ark Chat. We like her attitude! Here is Vicki singing a Parody Cover Song "Why Don't You Do Right" by Jessica Rabbit, which will also make you smile!

Labels: friskyvickisowens, hotforwords, ladies, randrigh, red, singingfool14, sweetrose1944
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