Monday, April 19, 2010
No Music Videos
Here are 4 NON-music videos that were just uploaded to YouTube this month, April 2010. I tend to mention a lot of music videos here, so this time I'll leave the music genre and show you a vlogger, an artist, an uncomfortable yet funny human and a non-supine feline.
But first, The News!
Okay, now let's watch some NON-Music Videos!
Hayley G Hoover has always been one of the best vloggers on YouTube. Lately, Hayley has morphed from a quicky teen to a young lady aglow with love for her boyfriend and fellow YouTuber, Mike Lombardo ("Your soon-to-be favorite geeky piano rocker"). The high quality vlogs continue to flow almost as impressively as the words appealingly appear on Hayley's blog. If you watch Hayley, you're only getting half the insight and entertainment. You simply must also read her blog! This creative young lady is wonderful in front of the camera but she really shines behind a quill; I will emplore you one more time, read her blog, now! Or at least after you watch this satirical guide to How To Be a Great YouTuber!
You enjoy paintings with your eyes, yes? Generally true, but watch artist Alice from AlicesPalette and experience her psychedelic art with all your senses! The colors are groovy and remind me of a 60s light show. The textures of her thick brush strokes invite you to reach out and feel the paint, as thick and thin layers lie one upon another, or flow together and apart. Rich shades of color evoke tastes and fragrances of fresh fruit, the kind of mouth watering images used by produce marketers in the Spring. The orchestrated soundtrack Alice chose is fanciful and fits the visuals, especially in the middle as the pace becomes frantic. But being a huge 60s music fan, if I was the sound engineer on this project, I may have been inclined to use something like "Journey to the Center of the Mind" as backing track. But that's just me. Watch this wash of chromaticity, then see the other 5 videos by talented artist AlicesPalette.
Goofy, uncomfortable and hilarious! Exactly what one would expect from a motion picture conceived of, produced, directed and starring YouTubeStar DaxFlame. DaxFlame heads out "Wheast" to capture an outlaw with a partner when tragedy strikes. "Oh my Gosh! Killed him. I was just beginning to like you, partner!" But Dax struggles on, revealing that "Some men are measured by the size of their heart, others by size of their fist. I am of the latter group!" You crack me up, Mister Patrello!
I happen to like cats; I think they're cool. They really don't need you, unless they're hungry. Then they'll annoy the heck out of you in the middle of the night until you get up and add kibbles to their bowl. If they could stand upright like us humans, they might be able to use their front legs and fore paws to open the bag and pour out their own food. Check out this feline, I bet HE could do that!
Highest Rated Comment: fatherprime - some cats seem to think they are human. i bet he plays GTA also. 22 Thumbs UP.
Labels: AlicesPalette, cat, Darahgna, Daxflame, hayleyghoover, hotforwords, KelseyOfficial, MissHannahMinx, shanedawsontv
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