Monday, October 31, 2016


Happy Halloween 2016 - Halloween Music!

Happy Halloween 2016! Here is some Halloween themed music videos for your spooky enjoyment!

Up first, we have a great song called "Stand By Him" a.k.a. Night Of The Witch! Joshua made a nice video to go with it, using Scooby Doo clips, and that just adds to the fun! This song is by the Swedish Rock band "Ghost" who I first wwrote about here.

Here's a Goth Classic from Type O negative, called Black Number One. The reference is to the blackest hair dye you can buy. It's about a guy who's girlfriend is a Goth who wants to go out when it's raining and blowing, but can't because her roots are showing. He says, "Loving you was like loving the dead!" Sadly, singer Peter Steele died himself at a young age. Watch the Goth Doom master in this Halloween favorite! It has 8 MILLION views!

Finally, we have a candidate for the creepiest song ever recorded! Its from shock rocker Alice Cooper, and it's "The Ballad of wight Frye." Seems Mister Frye has mental issues and has been committed to an insane asylum. He wants to get out of there. He Really wants to GET OUT! Warning!!! It's creepy!

MORE Halloween Music, on Steemit!

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