Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Cinema du jour, part 5
This is a recurring feature of YouTubeStars. I discuss some videos that were recently added to YouTube, or ones that I've just discovered. So here's the Movies of the day, part 5.
geisha girl
Here is a video of a woman applying "Geisha" makeup. It's made by Paperlilies, a 22-year-old Londoner whose real name is Bryony. This video has an attractiveness that goes beyond a mere makeup lesson. It's been seen nearly 50 thousand times and has over 240 comments, so it's obviously popular! Be sure to also watch Bryony sing Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody; it's another attractive performance!
Monday, July 24, 2006
cutiemish - YouTube Star!
Cutiemish is a YouTube Star! She is a 17-year-old Chinese girl who has a British accent because she lives in England. She's been on YouTube for 6 months and has made 24 videos. Her profile page has about 300 thousand views and she has over 2600 subscribers. I've talked about her here and here and I've even done an interview with Mishy! Here are 4 more of her videos!
Fast food song
Cutiemish likes to make lipsynch videos, and she does a great job with them! Here's a cute one from back in February. It has about 150 thousand views!
If you can't see the video above, watch it at YouTube.
You've got a friend in me
Mishy has some good close buddies and she pledges her friendship to them in this video. Some of those buddies are stuffed animals! Watch Mishy sing to her fluffy friends in this adorable film!
If you can't see the video above, watch it at YouTube.
automatic high
Mishy is such a happy girl when she's singing! Look at her light up as she lipsynchs on this one. Isn't she cute?!?!!
If you can't see the video above, watch it at YouTube.
just another message
If you've just watched Mishy's lipsynch or piano playing videos, then you're missing out on hearing her talk! In this video, Mishy sounds great with her confident tone and her British accent. She talks about her life and gives a message to some of her commenters. Listen and love it!
If you can't see the video above, watch it at YouTube.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
The Serious Side of YouTube.
YouTube is more than just video bloggers and amusing actors. Some people make videos about serious issues. They take a stand on something that concerns them and the viewers comment in response. You may or may not agree with the views expressed in the videos that I'll feature today, but I think it is good to think about how YOU feel about these issues. Do some research and think for yourself; come to your own conclusions!
The YT Anti-Racism Collaboration: We Can Make a Difference
Kwai Chi is a 24-year-old London man who has made a bunch of entertaining YouTube videos and is also active on He recently started a project that he believes in. He asked other YouTube members to collaborate in a "message" video. The message is that people should NOT judge others simply by their skin color, race, or the things they believe. Over 20 members are featured in this video, including cutiemish and thewinekone. Watch and get involved! Comment or make a response video. There are already over 30 videos in the "response chain"!
If you can't see the video above, watch it at YouTube.
Global Warming is a Hoax
Utnow, a.k.a. Scott, is a 23-year-old man from Texas (website). He likes to draw and he gives out his phone number and plays some messages at the end of his videos. Some of his vids are on issues of the day. He has done one on Abortion but I've embedded his video on Global Warming. Think about the evidence Scott provides, do some research yourself, and decide what YOU think about this!
If you can't see the video above, watch it at YouTube.
Homosexuality and other sins
rockstarswantme is a 23-year-old college student named Courtney. She has done several videoblogs and has discussed issues such as Anorexia and Hate speech in a few of them. The following video is about Homosexuality, the Bible, and tolerance. See if you agree or disagree with her opinions!
If you can't see the video above, watch it at YouTube.
Abortion and Rape
bschott, a.k.a. Brian, is a 28-year-old man from Fargo (myspace) who is also active on He has done two serious videos, one of which is about his problems with Christianity. The other, shown below, is about Abortion and Rape. It is in rely to utnow's video on Abortion. Listen to what he has to say and see if you agree or not!
If you can't see the video above, watch it at YouTube.
Monday, July 17, 2006
FilthyWhore - YouTube Star!
One of the most popular and controversial members of YouTube is a 21-year-old woman named Jacci who uses the screen name of FilthyWhore. What started out as a joke among her friends became a nickname that stuck. This screen name may be a shock to some, but see past the name. Watch her videos and see if you enjoy them. That's what matters. As Shakespeare wrote, "What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." - Romeo and Juliet.
Jacci began her YouTube career 3 months ago when she lived in Toronto and had blonde and pink hair. Now she lives in Pennsylvania and has dark hair. I'll present the three best videos for you to watch from the blonde Jacci period!
The Caterpillar pillar.
This is a sweetly told tale of two caterpillars who fall in love. It's one of a small number of YouTube videos that is safe for family viewing. Many people consider this to be Jacci's best video, including me!
If you can't see the video above, watch it at YouTube.
Goodluck to MadV, Stupid Sexxiebebe23, Sign lesson!
Jacci talks about her life and two popular YouTube members - MadV, the illusionist, and sexxiebebe23, a teenage booty dancer - and gives us a lesson in sign language. If you thought that the Caterpillar pillar video was cute, then you'll love this one too! It's been viewed over 83 thousand times.
If you can't see the video above, watch it at YouTube.
Some lame looking makeup lesson.
Jacci has worked as a makeup artist and wears several kinds of makeup in her videos. In this video, she gives a lesson on how she applies her makeup. It's almost 10 minutes and most of it is shown at double-speed, but it's popular with over 47 thousand views so far!
If you can't see the video above, watch it at YouTube.
For more on Jacci, please read my YouTubeStars article at LookingForClues. Thanks!
Also, drop by the forum where Jacci and I are both members!
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Cinema du jour, part 4
This is a recurring feature of YouTubeStars. I discuss some videos that were recently added to YouTube, or ones that I've just discovered. So here's the Movies of the day, part 4.
Lets try this one more time... (Silent Girl is Back!)
Littleloca has a new video, and the beautiful Silent Girl is with her! They mention and our interview with Silent Girl in the first minute of the video. At the end, littleloca thanks her parents and Silent Girl's mother for all they have done. She also recommends that everyone should give compliments to people because they are appreciated; I agree! (Be sure to also watch littleloca's other new video called Loca goes to the hospital... She has a sinus problem and takes her camera along to the doctor's office. It's a very funny film!)
If you can't see the video above, watch it at YouTube.
Hope Is Emo: Chapter One "The Words Are Dying"
A YouTube member named digitalfilmmaker, who made the "Ask a Ninja" vids, now has a new series - "Hope Is Emo". Unlike the Emo Kids who were popular a few months ago, we know that Hope is just a character; and what a character! She does an over-the-top Emo act that is also quite funny in parts! By the way, the title is a play on a key phrase from one of emogirl21's videos, "Birds are dying!". (If you like chapter one, below, watch chapter 2 also. Funny!)
If you can't see the video above, watch it at YouTube.
Angharad has two recent videos and I like them both! This one is a slideshow of a trip she (and Amy and Brogan) made to the Llancaiach Fawr Manor, which is an old house built in Wales in the 1500s. It has been restored to how it looked in 1645 during Wales' Civil War and is a museum open to the public. Angharad made the slideshow into a cool story and she chose a great song to use as the audio track. Its "Trollhammeren" by Finntroll. It's a combination of polka, folk, and Viking Metal! So watch the video and thrash about to the music!
If you can't see the video above, watch it at YouTube.
Safari Watch
Angharad says, "This is just a joke really." But this mock safari adventure on the trail of a beast (spider!) has a 5-star rating so far, and several favorable comments, including mine! Watch Angharad in her cowboy hat and furry vest and listen to her adorable dialog which is similar in style to her wonderful "Cooking With Your Favorite Goth" film.
If you can't see the video above, watch it at YouTube.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
For those who do not know, there is a forum where people talk about YouTube members and videos called YouTubeTalk. I am one of over a thousand members there. The boards are well moderated; most people are nice and there is no flaming. If you decide to join, check out my posts there, especially the ones in my Child Board - Kenny's Column. Thanks!
Many of the popular YouTube personalities are also members YouTubeTalk. It's a great place to interact with them in a more controlled atmosphere than the chaos of video comments. There are also members who are less well known, but who have some talent, and I am going to introduce you to some of them in this post.
Matt Harding Tribute Collaboration
There is a YouTube video that you may have seen called "Where the Hell is Matt?" It has over a million views! Matt Harding has been going around the world and doing a little dance in front of interesting scenery. Now down2infinity (Real name, Sean), who usually makes magic videos, is creating a tribute to Matt. He is asking everyone to sent a short clip (30 seconds) of themselves (or someone!) doing the "Matt dance" at an interesting location. The project is complete, and here is the resulting video!
If you can't see the video above, watch it at YouTube.
Tribute to the ladies of youtube
Victoriasparda is an active member of YouTubeTalk and likes to make new members feel welcome, as do I. We both visit the Introduction section often and try to respond to new member's hellos. Victoria's videos are sometimes issue oriented and she likes to include some of her own music on occasion. I've picked a video to embed that is her tribute to several of the ladies who make videos on YouTube. She has edited some of their clips into Cyndi Lauper's "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" video. Have a look; you'll recognize some of these YouTube ladies!
If you can't see the video above, watch it at YouTube.
Unbelievable magic!
There are two young guys who use the name Aliboy and work as a team to make videos. They are new to YouTubeTalk and YouTube and they are having a lot of fun making videos. But it's obvious that they have talent; they play off each other very well. I'd compare them to Laurel and Hardy, Abbott and Costello, or even Beavis and Butthead! Here's the first of 9 videos that they've made so far. Enjoy!
If you can't see the video above, watch it at YouTube.
Devil Wears Prada Review
Matsie is another active member of YouTubeTalk. Mattie, her real name, has made 12 videos and most are vlogs. But her first film is a tribute to her mother with the message of cancer awareness. Below, I've included a smart review she did of the movie "The Devil Wears Prada".
If you can't see the video above, watch it at YouTube.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Cinema du jour, part 3
This is a recurring feature of YouTubeStars. I discuss some videos that were just added to YouTube, or ones that I've just discovered. So here's the Movies of the day, part 3.
Lesson for the Recorder
Here's a video from a brand new YouTube member, sweetsoph. Sophie, her real name, is a 17-year-old Canadian young lady who just joined YouTube 2 days ago and has already made 4 great movies. I picked her Recorder Lesson video to feature here because it's a unique concept and the film is quite funny in parts. I think it's good to have the ability to play a musical instrument, and the recorder is an easy one to learn. So grab your Recorder and play along! Also, check out Sophie's introduction video and two cute lipsynch vids (here and here).
If you can't see the video above, watch it at YouTube.
My Parents Suck...
This video, by LonelyGirl15, real name Bree, age 16, has only been up for a day and it's already had over 90 thousand views and over 1300 comments! This video and it's comments are interesting to anyone who is interested in Psychology, Sociology and human nature. Bree is a pretty teenaged girl who is sad because her parents prevented her from going on a hike with a male friend by saying that they would be disappointed in her if she did. Commenters have either supported her position or her parent's position or dismissed her as an emo kid. Some comments are vulgar, slanderous and excessive. Have a look and see what YOU think! Also, be sure to watch her first videoblog where she tells us a little about herself and makes adorable silly faces!
If you can't see the video above, watch it at YouTube.
Tofu Rabbit
Here's a cool stop-motion video from CrazyAsianFood, a young man from Miami. He took over a thousand digital pictures and edited them into this entertaining video. Watch and enjoy!
If you can't see the video above, watch it at YouTube.
SpongeBob SquarePants Theme
Here is a video for the youngsters, or for those who are young at heart. This funny spoof is from Flinch (INk Productions), a young and upcoming filmmaker. Watch this one with the whole family!
If you can't see the video above, watch it at YouTube.
Monday, July 03, 2006
cutiemish interview
Hi, readers! We have another great interview for you! This time, it's with cutiemish (previously mentioned here and here). Mishy is truely a YouTube Star! She's made 23 videos, has 1811 friends, 2279 subscribers, and her profile has been viewed 254,122 times! Her most watched video (Tetris on piano) has 523,667 views! I'd like to thank Mishy for doing this interview. She was very sweet throughout the process. She's really a very nice young lady!
Hi, cutiemish! Tell us a little about yourself, please.
well i'm Mishy, i'm 17 years old, i go to a grammar school, am in 6th form now (that's like college but u carry stay in the same secondary school) i'm studying crap subjects! i totally don't know what i wanna do in life, but i enjoy dancing, acting, having fun (of course), chilling out, just all the usual! my family's goin through a rough patch but it doesn't stop me from bein the happy crazy girl i am!
How did you first hear about YouTube?
from 1 of my friends which lives local but i met her online!
You are very popular on YouTube. Could you please comment on why you think you are so popular and how you feel about it?
hehe i don't really think i'm popular on YouTube! just well known! i guess its coz i'm chinese with a british accent and that i'm very animated! it's actually not that unique if u come to england! it just happens to be i'm sad enough to post videos on YouTube bein stupid hehe! it makes me feel great that i'm spreadin the news of BBCs (british born chinese).
There are some "haters" on YouTube who leave rude comments. How do you feel about the nasty commenters?
i just think its funny! coz they're just judging me by my videos, people can only see a certain side of me on the internet, they don't know me in real life so i just look past the nasty comments coz in some way i don't think they are real people! does that make sense!?
How have your friends and family reacted to your videos?
my friends think i'm stupid...nothing new there! my best friend has started recording lil vids on her phone dancing around and things and doing adverts! hehe and my family, well my uncle think it's really good that i'm puttin myself on the net, coz he wants me to make it big! my mum and brother think i'm weird, yeah nothing new there! hehe
You're an Elvis fan, so am I! How did you become an Elvis fan? What's your favorite Elvis song?
ahhhh Elvis *heart heart heart* tee hee i'm such a little schoolgirl when it comes to Elvis, well i dono, it just happened, how can you not love Elvis! he's so cute and romantic and his music is just so classic!!! i totally love "baby let me be, you're loving teddy bear, put a chain around me neck and leave me everywhere" yea, teddy bear! hehe xXx
How long have you been playing the piano? How often do you practice?
ermmm, piano... well since i was really little, i think about 6? yeah, and i practice whenever i want which happens to be pretty much every day, or every other day, depends if i'm at home! i go out a lot to socialize!
What else do you like to do in your free time, besides making videos?
well, if i'm stuck at home then i'd actually tidy the house.. wow that sounds really lame! but i practically live on my own so its gotta be done, and its not that i hate it! and if its a nice day outside, then i'd go to a cafe with my friend, chill out at my matey's house, go for an extremely long walk, like the other day i must of walked with my friend 8-10 miles!
If you could do it all over again, is there anything about your experiences with YouTube that you would change?
nope, none whatsoever. love me or hate me, accept me as i am!
What are your plans for the future?
well i'm planning on going to university to study media of some sort, i've started a modeling portfolio, so lets see if that takes me anywhere, i'm gonna be auditioning for a film with my friend in a few weeks time, so i might get into a film! hehe, become an actress! ah i'm not too good with making plans, i tend to go with the flow! xXx
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