Wednesday, September 20, 2006
The Lonelygirl15 Story
Once upon a time, there was a teenaged girl named Bree who was very lonely. She only had one good friend, a boy named Daniel. Bree was homeschooled and was very smart; she loved to read. Her parents were strict and they kept her away from other kids, sometimes even from Daniel. Bree and her parents were members of some religion which she believed in but was reluctant to talk about.
That is the story that was presented to the world through a series of YouTube videos over the last three months. The lonelygirl15 channel on YouTube has become the most subscribed channel of all-time. Let's go back and have a look at some of the most interesting and entertaining videos in this series.
My Parents Suck...
Lonelygirl15's first hugely successful video was the "My Parents Suck..." video. I started a thread about LG15 and this video in particular, over at That thread became large and unwieldy, so the admin broke it up into three pieces, each of which are among the most read threads on the site. Here's what I wrote about this video:
Yesterday was Independence Day in the USA. Many people were spending the day off with their friends and family, grilling meat and trying to beat the heat. Still, there were many people on YouTube and it seemed to me that most of them were looking at one video in particular!
Bree (lonelygirl15), a 16 year old homeschooled girl, made a video called "My Parents Suck...". It hasn't even been up for 2 days and the view count is approaching 200 thousand! To summarize the vid: Bree is sad because her parents prevented her from going on an afternoon hike with a male friend (Daniel) by saying that they would be disappointed in her if she did. A fitting video for "Independence" Day!
The comments for the video became a giant chat room, as everyone who saw the video seemed to have something to say about it. That is not surprising because this video has just about every hot-button issue known to mankind in it! Parents vs children, freedom vs control, dogma vs pragmatism, conservative vs liberalism, power vs powerless, submission vs rebellion, and on and on. Every topic that your college Sociology textbook covers can be found in this video and its resulting comment storm.
There is one dichotomy that you won't find in that Soc. textbook, and that is "real vs fake"! There has been debate as to whether Bree and Daniel are "real" or if they are playing characters. I tend to think in terms of probabilities, and I'd say there's an 80% chance that they are real and 20% fake. We'll just have to wait and see if this is another EmoKid21Ohio/Emogirl21 situation.
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