Sunday, December 19, 2010
Krista Nicole (KristaHeartzuz) Interview and CONTEST
[It is now 2:25 AM on Monday, December 27, 2010 and the Contest is Closed. Thanks to everyone who entered by commenting on this interview! You can still comment if you want, but the contest is over and we have announced the 10 winners in our next post, which is here.]

Here is another YouTubeStars interview with a talented and interesting YouTuber. This time, we have interviewed singer Krista Nicole, who has been uploading excellent music videos to YouTube since she was just 12 years old! Krista's YouTube channel is KristaHeartzuz which has over 40 great music videos including her most watched video "Love The Way You Lie - Krista Nicole Acoustic Cover feat. Mars Raps - Eminem ft. Rihanna". Krista makes most of her music videos with her dad accompanying her on guitar. It's great to see father / daughter teams working together to make music!
Krista's newest release is a 4 song EP CD called Dreams which you can download from iTunes, or you can download it or buy the CD from her Store, OR you can
WIN an AUTOGRAPHED COPY of the CD if you enter our contest - CONTEST Rules are below the Interview.
Now, our interview with Krista Nicole!

Well my name is Krista Nicole Hudson, I'm 16 and a junior in high school. I'm involved in the theatre program at my high school and I love being in the fall musicals. I love acting as well as singing. I also really enjoy children's theatre because you get to be as dramatic, crazy and goofy as you want and the kids love it no matter what!
How long have you been singing, playing and writing music?
I've been singing for as long as I can remember. I was always around music. The first song I ever wrote was with my cousin, I was 5 and she was about 8. The song was called "Bubblegum Factory" and I still remember it exactly. I've (hopefully) come a long way in my writing since then, but I'd still really like to learn more about writing songs and I want to write a lot more.
Who are some of your favorite Musicians, both on and off YouTube?
Well OF COURSE Tyler Ward, Julia Sheer, Eppic and Jeff Hendrick. I love how they make all of the songs they cover their own. I also really like BoyceAvenue. John Mayer is a really talented artist and I love his voice and music as well.
How did you get started on YouTube?
I posted my first video when I was 12 years old. I didn't expect anyone to watch them except for some family and maybe some friends. But when I started to get comments it was interesting and exciting to see what people (that I don't even know) had to say! It quickly turned into a hobby of mine to record and post videos! Unfortunately when I started to get more views and more noticed, YouTube found that I was (by that time) only 12, just a couple weeks before my 13th birthday which was the age you had to be to have a YouTube account. [YouTubeStars: YouTube shut down Krista's original channel but she was soon back with her current channel!] I had a lot of subscribers who made "support Krista Nicole" videos and I gained back a lot of my subscribers when I started my new account. I was so thankful!
What do you think is the best video you have made so far?
My favorite video so far is probably the cover I did with Eppic and Jeff Hendrick of Just A Dream by Nelly. They're so talented, and I love that I got to do that collaboration with both of them!
Your dad is often seen playing guitar in your videos. How do you like making music with him?
I love that music is a common interest for me and my dad, and I feel really lucky to have him be so supportive of me. Although sometimes recording with him can be a pain! We can get a little frustrated with each other, but I wouldn't change it for anything.
How did you come to work with Tyler Ward? How was that experience?
I was going to do a cover of the song Two Is Better Than One with another talented YouTuber, Derek Cate. Unfortunately things didn't work out with finishing the song, but I still wanted to do a collab with a talented male! My dad came across Tyler Ward on YouTube and asked me if I'd be interested in messaging him and asking if he'd do the song with me. I figured it was a long shot but decided to let him ask anyway. Sure enough he replied and was totally willing to do it. Turns out he's one of the nicest and funniest guys I have ever met! I ended up being really lucky to be able to work with him. He produced my first EP Dreams which I'm really happy with, and I really hope to work with him again in the future.
How do you feel about "haters" on YouTube who leave rude comments?
I try to just ignore the comments from people who just want to be mean. I've read some comments that have really hurt my feelings, but I always remember how many more positive, helpful comments there are, and in comparison, the mean ones shouldn't even matter.
What else do you like to do in your free time, besides music and making videos?
Like any other teenager I just really enjoy hanging out with my friends, surfing the web, going on walks, and also being involved in community theatre and the high school plays/musicals.
How do you feel about fans making YouTube channels about you, like Do you mind having your old videos on these channels?
It's so flattering to have pages dedicated towards me! I really love that. But I honestly try and avoid the old videos of myself that are posted. I'm even a little surprised that I posted some of the videos that I did! I notice every flat and sharp note, every crack, every mistake in my voice. But I guess I have to remember you are your own worst critic. But I also can't stand to see myself from back then. Everyone has gone through an awkward stage, and I think mine lasted for a couple years! Sometimes I wish people didn't have to see me like that. Ha ha!
It's been 14 years, are you ever going to do another cover video of you singing "Louie Louie"? We LOVED the first one you did! (reference to the very cute video: The life of Krista Nicole)
There's no reenacting that; it's a classic.
What projects are you working on right now? Any live shows coming up?
Lately I've been doing a lot of musical theatre. I just finished with my high school's production of Fiddler On The Roof playing the part of Hodel and this month I plan on auditioning for the role of Wendy in Peter Pan. I also signed up to be in the next play at my school, Almost Maine. I love being on stage as a character and singing, it's so much fun. Unfortunately there are no live shows of me doing any cover songs, or originals, but hopefully soon I will be able to arrange a show somewhere.
What are your plans for the future?
I plan on starting some piano lessons and maybe once I get the gist of that I can also pick up guitar. We'll see how things go. I'm looking forward to growing and expanding my music knowledge. After high school I plan to continue doing community theatre and my music, study business music and theatre at a community college, and after that move down to southern California to go to beauty school and continue making music and just see where life takes me.
Could you please provide links to your websites and let us know how often you update each one?
I usually post something on facebook and twitter every couple days. Just updated my website a couple days ago but it had been a while since it was changed.!/pages/Krista-Nicole/98162366920?ref=ts
[YouTubeStars: Also see this Interview of Krista by Michael Boyce of]
Now, some survey type questions!
Right Handed Or Left Handed? Right
The Shoes You Wore Today? Gray suede boots.
Your Most Overused Phrase On An Instant Messenger? LOL of course
Pepsi Or Coke? Dr. Pepper. :)
McDonalds Or Burger King? Can I choose neither?
Single Or Group Dates? Group dates! I've never been on a single date.
Have You Been In Love? Never.
Do You Want To Get Married? Maybe many years from now.
What Country Would You Most Like To Visit? I would love to go to Italy or Greece!
First Thought When You Wake Up? What time is it?
Scary Movies or Romantic Comedies? Romantic comedy.
Favorite Candy? Anything chocolate.
Favorite Animal? I think wolves are beautiful!
What Kind Of Perfume Or Colone Do You Wear? Juicy Couture 'Viva la juicy'
Are you named after anyone? Not to my knowledge.
What color is your room? 2 of my walls are gold and one is a dark plum.
Favorite movie star? Will Ferrel is hilarious.
Favorite holiday? Definitely Christmas.
C O N T E S T !

Leave a comment below for a chance to WIN an AUTOGRAPHED Copy of Krista Nicole's "Dreams" CD!
We will pick TEN people who comment on this interview at random and send them a free copy of "Dreams." The contest begins Monday December 20th 2010 and ends midnight Sunday December 26th 2010 Eastern Time.
Here are the rest of the rules: Comment on this interview here at YouTubeStars using the comment link you will see below (the link says "Post a Comment"), and please include your YouTube channel name at the end of the comment. Do NOT put any links in your comment. Comments containing links will not be approved. Multiple comments are okay but only one will count as an entry. TEN commentors will be chosen at random after the contest ends and will be notified with a Personal Message (PM) at YouTube stating that they have won this contest. Winners must reply to the PM with their mailing address within one week. If a winner does not reply, a new winner will be chosen at random.
So tell us what you think about this interview and what you think of Krista and her music. TEN of you will win a copy of Krista's new CD!
Post a Comment! Good Luck!
Labels: interview, KristaHeartzuz, music, singer. contest
I've been watching Krista's videos since she was in Cree Ingle's YouTube Idol contest 4 years ago. She's a great singer!
GarageRockRadio on YouTube.
GarageRockRadio on YouTube.
It was really interesting to read about Krista. I really like her music and I first found her through Tyler Ward. I liked the interview.
RebeccaSRAlder on YouTube.
RebeccaSRAlder on YouTube.
Krista is a fantastic singer! Her collab with Tyler Ward, "Two Is Better Than One", is one of the all-time greatest YT videos!! Since she doesn't want to do another "Louie Louie", I'd love it if she's make a video of "Bubblegum Factory" :)
Krista is a really great singer. I've been watching all her Vids since I found her on TW´s Channel =)
Also i like this interview. It was really interesting.
Also i like this interview. It was really interesting.
I love Krista's videos and would LOVE to win an autographed cd. Pretty pretty pleaaaaseee! :)
heykimberlee is my YouTube account.
heykimberlee is my YouTube account.
awesome! Krista keep doing what you do girl, youre absolutely AMAZING. (and cant forget your dad either) hes great as well! Merry Christmas to your family <3
xolyssa09xo on youtube <3
xolyssa09xo on youtube <3
Krista is an amazing singer and I've been following her for years. I really love seeing her in my subs box.
Krista is a awesome singer and has inspired and motivated my 12 year old daughter to take up singing and also acting!!!!!
Thanks Krista and keep up the great work!!!!
Thanks Krista and keep up the great work!!!!
She's awesome and talented I like all her videos. She's an amazing singer.
Youtube channerl:
Youtube channerl:
This was a really interesting interview.
We LOVE Krista's music (both covers and originals)!
Best of luck from:
2ndEnding on Youtube.
We LOVE Krista's music (both covers and originals)!
Best of luck from:
2ndEnding on Youtube.
I found krista though mattyb page. Fell in love with the music and had to have it all. Nice interview and keep up the good work cant wait tell the next one. lyssa
I've been watching Krista's videos for a while now and so I would love to win a CD. She's an amazing singer! So talented. Love the interview too.
numberonelostfan22 is my YouTube username. Thanks!
numberonelostfan22 is my YouTube username. Thanks!
Congrats on your EP! It's great that you are following your dreams and that you have the chance to make them all come true. You and your dad seem like such AMAZING people. I look forward to seeing many more songs/videos from you guys!
with Love,
with Love,
This is a great interview! I first saw Krista on Tyler's channel and have continued to watch her grow & improve! Well done!
Channel: AHaskizzle
Channel: AHaskizzle
Krista is an amazing singer and a wonderful song writer!!!! I listen to her songs at least once everyday. She has some great talent and will be famous one day.
bkoehlerjr on YouTube.
bkoehlerjr on YouTube.
awesome awesome awesome awesome awe some awesome female artist with a flair and an amazing interpretation of the artists she represents. her own music should be given a priority to launch her into the hights she deserves. loved the interview.
Ian Walker Manager
Ian Walker Manager
Hi im Micah Parker, my YouTube channel is micahbob2! I love your voice Krista and your dad is a great guitar player. The connection between you 2 is one thing that makes the songs so great! Although your stuff with Tyler ward is epic as well :)! Anyway, hope you go far!
I've been following Krista since I believe 2008? or 09. She's really become an incredible singer. It's been great being able to see her improvement through the years. If any youtube star deserve to become famous it's her. Let's give her Justin Beibers contract!
I have been watching Krista for a couple years. She is amazing and a true artist. I cannot wait to see what the years bring! :)
I love this interview. It's great!!! Krista will make it very far and I'm hoping to win her cd :)
Youtube account:
Youtube account:
I REALLLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY want her C.D. She is my inspiration :) She makes me WANT to sing. and believe that one day I can get as far as her. I don't have any videos on youtube yet, but I will be posting soon.
thanks for this interview! i loved it! i watch krista since she was 12! she was one of the first people i ever watched on youtube. so much changed since then. now im making my own videos (no music, but vlogs) haha!! :-)
i love you krista!
DailyAnni on Youtube!
i love you krista!
DailyAnni on Youtube!
I REALLLYYYYYY Want Krista Nicole's Cd. She is my inspiration. She makes me want to sing. She gives me hope that I could be as far as she is now someday. :)
Youtube Account:
Youtube Account:
I messed up on the name part thing on the other comment, but I support Krista BIG TIME. And She has inspired me to want to sing and she gives me hope that I can be where she is today one day. I would LOVE to win a C.D. I think that would be one of the best Christmas Presents this year! :)
My Youtube Channel is...
My Youtube Channel is...
I REALLY want Krista Nicole's new C.D. That would be best christmas gift EVER.
My Youtube Channel:
My Youtube Channel:
Thanks for this great interview with Krista!!! ... I like her music so much. I found her youtube-account a few weeks ago by chance ;o) Since this time, I can´t wait for new uploads and new songs ...
Keep up the good work, Krista!!!
I would love to win one of those beautiful CD´s!!!
Greetings from a fan from far far away (germany) ;o)
Daniel (btw: you know me from Twitter!)
Keep up the good work, Krista!!!
I would love to win one of those beautiful CD´s!!!
Greetings from a fan from far far away (germany) ;o)
Daniel (btw: you know me from Twitter!)
I absolutely LOVE Krista! The first video I saw of hers was the duet with Tyler on TIBTO, and it was incredible... She hooked me ever since then! :) she's the sweetest girl ever, I really hope great things happen to her.
I fell like ive watched you grow up! you are such a talented lady and i hope your dreams come true! good luck!
Krista, you're absolutely amazing, SO talented. I love all of your original songs as well as the covers you do on youtube. I will support you no matter what & even though I don't know you personally, im so proud of you for following your dream. I'd love to win an autographed CD :) It would seriously make my week! xox
Happy Holidays Krista & Family!
Stephanie Bullock
(I make singing videos too! It woulc mean the WORLD to me if you could check them out & let me know what you think)
Happy Holidays Krista & Family!
Stephanie Bullock
(I make singing videos too! It woulc mean the WORLD to me if you could check them out & let me know what you think)
I absolutely love Krista Nicole's Music! its so inspiring!! I wish I wouldve came across her music earlier then i did but im glad I found it!! I just love her voice!! & my all time favorite song by her is your silence screams goodbye i can relate to that song in sooo many ways!! but keep up the good work and dont let any negative comments ever bring you down!! and the interview was awesome gave me alot more details about her as a person although her music says alot =)
I found krista because i am a huge fan of tyler ward. since I heard 'two is better than one' for the first time, I love her voice. I watched all of her videos and downloaded all of her songs. Shes is so talented and I am toatally in love with her voice *-*
And i would LOVE to win an autographed cd (:
Milena8112 on Youtube
And i would LOVE to win an autographed cd (:
Milena8112 on Youtube
I just discovered Krista Nicole a few weeks ago and now I'm obsessed with her music - especially with "just a dream": This version is just too good to be true :)
Hope we will here a lot of you in the future!!
YouTube Account: schokocrossie91
Hope we will here a lot of you in the future!!
YouTube Account: schokocrossie91
I first found Krista on Total Pop Star two years ago. I quickly went to YouTube and subscribed to her as I love to support talented people. I really liked her because she seemed so down-to-earth, sweet, and we're the same age. I actually went through the same thing on being 12 and having to make a new account. I hope her the best and am very happy for all her accomplishments.
Dadafuturestar on YouTube. :)
Dadafuturestar on YouTube. :)
Krista is an amazing artist and i think she is one of the most talented artists on YouTube along with Tyler Ward and Julia Sheer. i discovered Krista about 3 years ago and i havent stopped watching her videos since! I love her CD just from the clips i have heard from it so i would love to own the CD! Music is my life <3 :) Never stop making music Krista! <333 :)
<3 Krista. <3 your music. Can't wait to buy the CD if I don't end up getting it as a gift for Christmas this year!
YouTube channel = SSwell87
YouTube channel = SSwell87
She is great singer qnd i really love her voice. Her dad is very supportive ...
Regarding interview, most of questions sucks and are not interesting at all
Regarding interview, most of questions sucks and are not interesting at all
You're amazing, Krista. Came across you on YouTube, and instantly was hooked. I've definitely showed all my friends your videos.
Keep it up !
Keep it up !
I think you're great! I wouldn't doubt it if you make it big some day, no doubts! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
You really should think about going on US X factor or a similar contest show.
Good luck for the future.
Good luck for the future.
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YouTubeStars and YouTube are not affiliated in any way.
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