Thursday, June 23, 2011
Big Hits and their Covers
Summer is finally here! School is out; time to sleep late, hang out with friends and watch a lot of videos! Here are two very popular music videos for songs you are hearing on the radio, along with covers from members of the YouTube community.
Thanks to everyone who emailed Kenny about the YouTubeStars Guest Blogger openings! We found a few people that we may work with, but we are still looking for others. WE PAY WRITERS to Guest Blog for YouTubeStars! If you are interested in GETTING PAID to write some Guest Blogs about interesting videos and videomakers, please email Kenny and be sure to include a LINK to your YouTube channel in the email.
Today we will watch music videos from Taylor Swift and Katy Perry, as well as cover versions of their songs, made by talented YouTube members.
But first, The News!
This week's Featured Video on our Top 100 and Top 200 Charts is a really well made pop music video of an original song written by a young lady from Utah. Austin Wolfe is just 14 but she writes catchy pop tunes with good lyrics. She also plays keyboards and sings very well! Austin's YouTube channel is utahwolfe and it has videos of Austin on local TV and performing live. Watch the Featured Video of her original song "Goodbye" right here; click on it!
We have a NEW Featured Video every week on our YouTube Top 100 Chart. If you missed any of our Previously Featured Videos, you can still watch them here.
Check out our Top 100 and Top 200 Charts of the Most Subscribed YouTube Channels every week!
Now, enjoy these original hits and covers!
I have to admit, when I first heard the lyrics in Katy Perry's new hit "Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)" I wondered if she was advocating living a life of utter chaos! Clearly, if you are waking up with strangers in your bed, smelling like a mini-bar, with the chandelier on the floor and your dress ripped; and you have maxed out your credit cards and have warrants out for your arrest - you are headed for disaster!
The other thing that struck me was the vague similarity to that other song about Friday - "Friday" by Rebecca Black. We covered that phenomenon in great detail back in March and April; here, here and here. I also knew that Katy Perry sang part of "Friday" at one or more of her concerts recently. So it was not a huge shock when I saw the preview for "Last Friday Night (T.G.I F.)" with Rebecca Black in the Katy Perry video! Now many people think that "Last Friday Night (T.G.I F.)" is a new song by Katy Perry and may think it is cashing in on "Friday"'s fame. But this is not the case - "Last Friday Night (T.G.I F.)" was track 2 on Katy Perry's CD "Teenage Dream" which was released August 24, 2010. So was ARK inspired to write "Friday" by Katy's tune? We do not know!
Recent news about Rebecca Black, since Ryan Seacrest got her a billboard celebrating her 100 Millionth video view of Friday, had been sparse. We heard she hired a management team, was making a new song, and turned 14 a few days ago on June 21st. The full version of "Last Friday Night (T.G.I F.)" hit YouTube on June 12th and there, in a very major starring role, was Ms. Rebecca Black herself! Quite a birthday present to see her second appearance on video hitting nearly 30 million views.
Meanwhile, over at ARK Music, we hear that there is a legal dispute over the "Friday" video. Also, ARK had planned and announced a singing contest between 18 of their top site members who would be eliminated one each week by member votes, leaving a winner who would be flown to L.A. and given the ARK treatment. However, the announcement has been removed and the contest has not begun. It was supposed to be timed to finish in the last weeks of summer vacation, but the timing would be off now, should it finally get underway. Still, ARK runs a very nice fan site with quite a good amount of people, mostly kids, in their chat room at any given time.
Back to the "Last Friday Night (T.G.I F.)" video. It is said that the idea was to parody the teen movies of the 80s. Teen stars Corey Feldman and Debbie Gibson are in the video, playing the parents of Katy's character - Kathy Beth Terry. But there is texting, social networks, game consoles and other current technology in the 8 minute mini-movie. Rebecca Black has a starring role as herself - a girl who lives next to the Terry family and is hosting a wild party. She gets nerdy Kathy to loosen up - gives her cool clothes and removes her "headgear" braces with pliers!
Now that I have seen the video (and really enjoyed it!), I am still a bit concerned about the message it, and the song, send to fans, especially the younger ones. If you have nerdish tendencies - interests in modeling the solar system and other scientific endeavors - do you really have to drink excessively, dress and look the same as everyone else in order to be accepted? Maybe in the 80s, but these days, people join the Nerd Fighters and other social movements and proudly claim the nerd name. Bill Gates was a nerd and he did just fine for himself! Also, RB Rebecca Black was just 13 when this was filmed. Yes, she is said to be a "good girl" and I think she probably is. But did they corrupt that image with this video? 13 is a little young for some of the things going on at this party, and even in the 80s, they rarely showed characters this young getting this crazy. This video is very different than her "Friday" video. People like Miley Cyrus usually wait until they are 17 or so before they begin to go for that more adult image. Watch the video; what do YOU think?
As I said above, "Last Friday Night (T.G.I F.)" came out last summer. By September, YouTube Star Shane Dawson put out a parody of "Last Friday Night (T.G.I F.)" that he made with several other top YouTube Stars such as OlgaKay and TayZonday. Have a look at this video from Shane's YouTube channel and see if you think that maybe, just maybe, Katy Perry's people watched this and were inspired by it in the making of their own video for "Last Friday Night (T.G.I F.)" Warning: language!
Before I ever heard Taylor Swift's hit song "The Story Of Us" - I saw a cover of it on YouTube! A talented young man originally from Libya named Bahjat is a huge Taylor Swift fan and a musician himself. I had subscribed to his original channel last year so I could hear the interesting covers that he makes by singing and accompanying himself on guitar. I liked his cover of "The Story Of Us" even though I had never heard the original.
Now, Taylor Swift's "The Story Of Us" is on the radio all the time, and I really like it! Last month, we got to see the Official Video for Taylor Swift's hit "The Story Of Us" and it's great! The video is set in a school library and we see the interaction between the man and woman in the song who had a relationship that is turning into a tragedy now. Next Chapter! The End! Have a look at this video and let me know if you notice that the beautiful Taylor Swift looks a little like our own guest blogger, CelestialSam (pic at the top ot this post)!
Late last year, we interviewed YouTube Star Krista Nicole (KristaHeartzuz). One of the people who won a Krista Nicole CD in our contest was YouTube singer Stephanie Bullock from Canada. I checked out her channel during the contest and found some fun videos of cover songs. Stephanie really gets into it and that makes her nice singing even more enjoyable! Watch talented Stephanie sing Taylor Swift's "The Story Of Us" - complete with a cute "Next Chapter" and "The End!"
Labels: anitsirhcmarie, Celestialsam, katy perry, katyperryVEVO, shanedawsontv, StephanieOnline101, Taylor swift
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Four Random Videos!
We have had several posts from Guest Vloggers lately! Did you know that being a Guest Vlogger for YouTubeStars is a PAYING GIG! If you are interested in GETTING PAID to write some Guest Blogs about interesting videos and videomakers, please email Kenny and be sure to include a LINK to your YouTube channel in the email.
Today we present four random videos - no theme whatsoever! Just four videos that I think you might like to watch. One is of a cat loving video dating girl. One shows a Dutch magician rapidly performing his illusions. One is of a young lady doing the
popular "Whats in my Purse?" show and tell. The last is a rap cover done in a unique way!
But first, The News!
This week's Featured Video on our Top 100 and Top 200 Charts is a fabulous singing video entry for Cree Ingles Tube Idol Season 10. This wonderful cover of the American classic "Lullabye of Birdland" is sung by talented pop and jazz singer Steffi Ledbetter. Watch the video right here; click on it!
We have a NEW Featured Video every week on our YouTube Top 100 Chart. If you missed any of our Previously Featured Videos, you can still watch them here.
Check out our Top 100 and Top 200 Charts of the Most Subscribed YouTube Channels every week!
Now, here are four Random Videos for your viewing pleasure!
Here's a trending video. YouTube put it on its Home page in the right column where it shows videos that are going viral. Cara plays the part of Debbie, a recent graduate who is making a video for a dating site. The problem is, she can't overcome her emotions when she thinks about her one true love - cats! She wants tons of cats; cats in baskets, cats with bowties, cats on rainbows! Six Million views in the first week, see why this is going viral!
I don't know who started it, but there is a "tag" going around where females show us what is in their purse. At first, the ladies would be urged to do a video like this if one of their friends tagged them in their videos. Now, so many girls, especially those who are beauty gurus, add a "What's in my Purse" videoblog whether they get tagged or not. And why not! It's a good way for their viewers to learn something about them.
Here's Ashley (YouTube, blog), a girl who has a few fun makeup videos uploaded. She has a fairly big bag and it's filled with stuff! Sunglasses, lip gloss, electronic gadgets - its so random! What will she pull out of there next? Ashley made this video after watching "What's In My Purse?" videos by our guest blogger Christina (video here) who usually sings in her videos but also has a beauty channel, and by another beauty guru, LinDJewel (video here).
Do your friends email you links to videos they saw on YouTube, or videos that they got from other people on their email list? I got this spectacular video of a magician appearing on a Dutch TV show a few days ago. I thought it was pretty cool to watch how many times he made people appear and dissapear in such rapid order.
If you want to see other videos and email jokes and stories that have been circulating via email, please have a look at the Email Gems website. If you find something interesting or funny there, click the Share Button and let your friends know about it!
This video is also amazing, in that the musician uses the break on a pool table for percussive effect. Pat Noonan's rapid rap takes about a minute to unfold, and you'll see how he made the sounds that you'll hear. Besides the cue ball smashing into 15 colored balls, you'll also see him pound a bass drum by hand and play a psychedelic violin lick. It all goes by quickly - see if you can keep up with the pace!
Labels: anitsirhcmarie, Celestialsam, hartmanncara, magic, magician, makeupbyasb, patdannoonan, random, singingfool14
Wednesday, June 01, 2011
CelestialSam Writes About Love

Our dear friend and popular guest blogger, the lovely CelestialSam (picture above) has written an article about Love for YouTubeStars! Sam writes about what priest Anthony de Mello has said on the subject of Love, and adds her own wonderful thoughts on the affairs of the heart.
Below, we present Sam's thoughts about priest Anthony de Mello's ideas on Love, along with a the first of a 4-part video series...
But first, The News!
This week's Featured Video on our Top 100 and Top 200 Charts is a beautiful music video for an excellent cover of "Mean" by Taylor Swift! Alex G (AlexGMusic7) sang this song which was created by musician Adam Stanton. Its a very nice version of this hit by Taylor Swift. Watch the video right here; click on it!
We have a NEW Featured Video every week on our YouTube Top 100 Chart. If you missed any of our Previously Featured Videos, you can still watch them here.
Check out our Top 100 and Top 200 Charts of the Most Subscribed YouTube Channels every week!
Now, here is CelestialSam's article about Love!
"Falling in love is the exact opposite of love, and it's canonized everywhere! It's a disease!" said the late Anthony DeMello, a renowned Jesuit priest and psychotherapist, in this four part video series on How to Love.
(Watch Part One:)
DeMello discusses how we've been essentially brainwashed, or if you don't like that word-conditioned, societally programmed and drugged by things that are illusory; success, failure, criticism, and the good opinion of others.
He makes several analogies, the first about a group of slaves in the desert who lack sufficient pegs to tie their twenty camels to. When the slaves go to their master and report the deficiency, he says to them, "These camels are stupid creatures. Just go through the motions of driving a peg in the ground and tying this last camel to it, and it will stay put for the whole night," which is exactly what happened. When morning came, the slaves decided to set off, but found the last camel would not budge. The master addresses their quandary: "You probably forgot to go through the motions of untying him!"
How much like those stupid camels are we?
In nature, there is no border between countries, De Mello says: "Being an American is only in your head. There are no American trees or American mountains. This is a convention that people are ready to die for, that's how real it looks to them!" We react merely to words, to ideas in our heads.
And so he begins by discussing what love is not; attraction, possessiveness, fear of loss, jealousy, desire, dependency and the assuaging of our loneliness.
"God is Love," he says, and "love is Divine. But what generally goes under the name of love has nothing to do with love at all."
Love is not blind, and there is nothing so clear-sighted as love!
Yet, most people, when talking about love, refer to niceties reciprocated, like money in exchange for goods. Society programs us to unhappiness and no love by filling us with desires to secure our happiness. And the real evil is depending upon another human being for your happiness. According to DeMello, if you ever give someone the power to determine your happiness, you will inevitably be fearful, manipulative and possessive, unable to let the person free because your happiness depends upon them. That is not love.
Love is clarity of perception and accuracy of response, while passion, which is rooted in the ardent desire of a person or thing, is a strong, but fleeting feeling comparable to and, in some instances, likened to concupiscence. How can one love what one cannot see? Generally, when people see each other, they're not really seeing each other at all, but an image of a person formed in their minds based upon past experiences or preconceived notions; it is as though they are looking through a transparency that has been superimposed on their oculi. Instead of reacting on the basis of a person at a present moment, they react to the illusory transparency they're looking through, while all the while believing that what they're seeing is not essentially a mirage conjured in their minds; thus they lack the clarity of perception necessary for love to exist. How can we love that which we cannot see?
Where there is fear, there is no love, because we always hate what we fear. Perfect love casts out fear.
Paul, in the New Testament of the Bible, says that love keeps no record of wrongs. Love keeps no record of rights either. We should not react to memories, good or bad. He's not saying we should forget everything, but drain our memories of emotion, which is essentially the purification of memory.
Most people do the opposite of this, and do not know what love is.
Love is like listening to a symphony. To love is to be sensitive to the whole of the symphony; to everyone and to everything. Listening to a symphony and only hearing the drums or fixating on a single instrument is like falling in love, having an obsession, addiction or infatuation. Other people are drowned out. Love is not a relationship. It is a state of being.
When the eye is unobstructed, the result is sight. When the heart is unobstructed, the result is love.
CelestialSam has made many artful and entertaining videos over the years, including "Darkness on Her Cell Wall" and "Je ne veux pas travailler...". Also enjoy Sam's Blog and Flickr Pics"
Please click here to read more about CelestialSam and to see her other Guest Blog posts for YouTubeStars!
Labels: Bible, Celestialsam, heart, how to love, love
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