Friday, June 23, 2006
Cinema du jour, part 1
I'll periodically post about some videos that were just added to YouTube, or ones that I've just discovered. So here's the Movies of the day, part 1.
Wuthering Heights
Darahgna a.k.a Angharad (read more, here) just released two excellent movies. I'll be commenting on both of them today. The first is her interpretation of the dance that Kate Bush performs to her first hit song, "Wuthering Heights". The song came out in early 1978 and spent 4 weeks in the number one position on the charts in the UK and several other countries, but never made it in the USA. When I first saw this video, I was impressed by the grace of Angharad's performance. I was also struck full force by the emotion of this hauntingly beautiful song. I'm from the states and this was the first time I had heard it. After I watched the clip several times, I did some research and found out about the song and dance. There are at least 5 versions of Kate Bush performing the song and dance on YouTube. Here are links to three of them (one, two, three). Thanks, Angharad, for turning me on to this song and for sharing your version of its dance. It's clearly based on the original, but you added some moves and made it your own! Let's watch:
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