Saturday, September 23, 2006
The Arts on YouTube
YouTube is a huge, diverse community. Sometimes, it's good to have a look around various avenues and barrios; venture into sections of the city of YouTubia (There really IS a YouTubia!) where you might not normally travel. You may be new to the Toob. Maybe you have just seen a few vloggers like Geriatric1927 or boh3m3. You may have been drawn in by one of YouTube's talented actresses, like lonelygirl15 (Jessica Rose), littleloca (Stevie Ryan) or LUCYinLA (Laura Segura). However you arrived in this wild and wooly corner of the entertainment world, wander down the boulevard and have a stroll throught The Arts district! Come on, let's go!
I'm All Shook Up
Let's saunter into this lounge - The Blue Jazz Mambo Cafe. On stage, singing something a little different, is ysabellabrave. Maryanne, age 26, usually sings Blues, Jazz and Mambo numbers (watch Mambo Italiano and then see a fan lipsynch to it!) Look at how much fun she is having with this song! Who would have thought Maryanne could pull off such a great cover of an Elvis song? I'll be back in a minute; I'm going out on the dance floor!
If you can't see the video above, watch it on YouTube.
Response to Joyride13 : remix Say It's Possible Cover
Whew! That was fun. =D Let's see what's going on at that club next door. I can hear the music from the sidewalk; I recognize that song! It's the great Terra Naomi tune, "Say It's Possible". As we enter, I can see that it's not Terra singing this time, it's joyride13. This Canadian woman usually sings a cappella, but this time she's accompanied by zeprof. WOW! This is as good as the Terra Naomi remix! Let's listen, and sing along!
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