Monday, March 14, 2011
Rebecca Black - Friday
What? Have I lost my mind? No, I've just watched some reaction videos to a slightly strange but catchy pop music video I saw a few days ago, by 13 year old Rebecca Black. Don't know who Rebecca is? Well, she's trending right now on Twitter!
I'll show you the "love it or hate it" music video for her song, "Friday" as well as two videos inspired by it, below.
But first, The News!
Now, here is Rebecca Black's Video and 2 related vids...
Two and a half minutes into the the 3:48 video, after we get the recitation of the days of the week, the song switches to an older black man (singer Pato) cruising down the highway rapping to the beat. ItsKingsleyBitch, see below, asks if he is heading to the teen party where Rebecca and her friends are. "This is just not acceptable!"
The song is released on the trizzy66 YouTube channel, which seems to belong to ARK Music Factory in L.A. - a label that mostly signs young female artists. Yesterday, 3/13/11, they released a rap mix of Friday which seems to poke fun at the song. It riffs on lyrics like "which seat should I take" and "Fried Eggs".
So what is going on with this song and video? Is it all a spoof, an internet gag? Is it a new teen singer's first try at fame, with awkward results? After all, she is ONLY 13! I think this will continue to blow up on the net this week - it is already becoming a meme with people putting up parodies, speeded up and slowed down versions, reaction videos and commentaries. This reminds me of previous YouTube controversies, like the Lonelygirl15 debate (real or actress) and the reaction to misguided young video girl Jessi Slaughter. It will be interesting to see how this plays out!
Rebecca Black-Friday (OFFICIAL VIDEO)
Rebecca Black - Friday (Groundhog Day Remix)
Looks like mseales is not a fan of this tune. He made this mashup of a clip from Groundhog Day backed by this audio track.
Description: "Even Phil can't escape the burbling inanity of the internet's latest mockery. If Purgatory is Sonny and Cher, Hell is surely Rebecca Black."
Comments: "This is why Bill Murray kept killing himself later in the movie." "i almost did this to my computer when i first heard the song" "Funny how all the teeny boppers have to use auto-tune these days. Can anyone sing anymore?" "I dont think I can watch this without cracking up!"
Comedy, satire, commentary, or hater? Here's an f-bomb loaded discussion of Friday by ItsKingsleyBitch who seems to like calling Rebecca a bitch. Do you think a 20 year old man calling a 13 year old girl a bitch is "acceptable"? Do you agree or disagree with his opinion of Rebecca and this song?
Description: "It's not TOO Overexposed yet, unless you have a Twitter or Tumblr, so this will only make sense to certain people. If you're lost, watch Rebecca Black's stupid ass "Friday" video here:"
Labels: Friday, itskingsleybitch, mseales, Rebecca Black, trizzy66, WhosThatGirl
I actually think the first verse is okay. It's a humorously descriptive depiction of the boring activities done every morning. rebecca black friday
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