Friday, August 29, 2014


YouTube Sex - Stripping Naked in Public

Hello my dear readers! I have been checking my stats. We get about 400 page views a day, lately. It seems that several keywords that people search on before they come here have some variation of "YouTube Sex" in them. There are keywords such as youtube se x, youtube sex, you tube sex, and sex on youtube. So to satisfy my readers (pander to my readers?) who want something youtube sex related, here are two videos of people stripping down to their underwear in public. I know the title of this post is YouTube Sex - Stripping Naked in Public, but there are no actual sex acts going on in these videos, nor is anyone naked. But there are lots of people in their underwear, so I hope that satisfies you! 50 years from now, or 100 years or more into the future, when someone is curious about what kinds of undergarments were worn in the early years of the 21st century, researchers may come across this post and learn all they need to know about underwear considered stylish or at least popular in entertainment pieces in the distant past.

We'll start off with a video from way back in 2001 by Alt Emo power pop punk band, Jimmy Eat World. The song is called "The Middle" and tells us that everything everything will be alright alright, kind of like The Beatles told us in Revolution. It went to #5 on the Billboard chart, and you probably remember both the song and the video, which was on heavy rotation on MTV. A bunch of 20-somethings are having a wild house party, and Jimmy Eat World is the entertainment. The theme of the party is - party in your underwear! Panties, bras, boxers, briefs - they are all here in many colors and varieties. Those wearing these under things are in quite good shape, in a stereotypical manner of speaking, according to what society considers to be hot bods. One guy wants to be different from everyone else in the crowd, and you can see what happens to him as the others dance, jump in the pool, drink and make out in refrigerators!

Here's a very recent video by a very new band, that is in a sort of competition with One Direction for the tween to teen and beyond pop music market. One Direction is from the UK and is receiving hundreds of thousands of views on their videos, including the song every teen knows all the words to - "(That's) What Makes You Beautiful". Their competition is 5 Seconds Of Summer, or 5SOS, who are of similar age, appearance and sound, but from Australia. In addition 5SOS play their own instruments and have a little harder rocking sound, which still using the same pop hooks. Last winter, 5 Seconds Of Summer released a song from their new album, titled, "She Looks So Perfect". This video has "only" 70 thousand views; less than most 1D videos. Maybe some tweens are banned by their parents from watching this? "You look so perfect standing there in my American Apparel underwear!" School kids, diner patrons, supermarket shoppers and even a cop strip down to their underwear for no apparent reason, other than to attract attention to this video!

Perhaps you too like to strip down to your underwear in public! Well you better plan ahead and make sure you're wearing new and Clean underwear! Get some at Amazon - they sell everything. Sure, you go there to buy books and music and DVDs and electronics, but dang it get some new clean underwear there too!

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Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Controversial Videos, Taylor Swift, Nicki Minaj

As I mentioned here a few days ago, Taylor Swift is out with a new song and video from her upcoming new album. The upbeat catchy song, "Shake It Off," is a tribute to 80s music and the video with lots of dancing is a tribute to the early days of Music Videos.

Back in the 80s, when MTV actually still Was Music TeleVision, the concept of music videos was fairly new. No one knew exactly what to do or what could be done with a music video. Before MTV and the Music Video revolution of the very early 80s, videos were made for a very few songs as promotional material, designed to boost record sales. But on 8/1/81 when MTV went on the air, or over cable actually, it seemed that every sing needed to have an accompanying video to make it a legit song. That meant that many videos were made on low budgets. Bigger budget videos tried to outdo each other for attention. By late 1983, Michael Jackson released a 13-minute music video for "Thriller," directed by famous Hollywood film director John Landis.

Taylor Swift in an Ad for Keds

Taylor Swift goes back through the years and alludes to styles and cliches used in previous songs and videos. This is what happens in the entertainment world. People "borrow" lyrical ideas and video looks that others have used in the past. If done right, with enough modification and injection of personal style, people accept the allusion to past works and it helps them identify with the current offering. However, if people feel that the artist is blatantly ripping off previous works, they will complain of plagiarism. Both opinions are represented in reviews of Taylor Swift's new song, "Shake It Off".

It is likely that Taylor Swift will Shake Off most criticism of her latest song, "Shake It Off" because the song is actually about ignoring haters. Have a look and decide for yourself. Is this popular new Taylor Swift video, with 3 million views on day one and now 15 million views on day two, a tribute or a rip off or something entirely different?

Yesterday saw the release of the new Nicki Minaj video, Anaconda. This video is also controversial, also features elements from the past, and includes lots of dancing. In this case, the connection to the past is deliberate. The song includes samples from the 1986 hit dance song, "Baby Got Back" by Sir Mix-a-Lot. That song told of Mister Mix's appreciation of women who had a figure that was little in the middle but having much back. His Anaconda didn't want none unless she had buns. He obviously liked big butts and he could not lie about it.

So Nicki Minaj made a video celebrating the effect of her twerking butt on someone's Anaconda. In addition to twerking scenes, the video features banana eating and whipped cream shooting on Nicki's chest. Some say this video promotes porn and strip clubs. Take a look and decide for yourself. If you are a parent with young children, you might be interested to see this very popular video by Nicki Minaj that got 10 million views on day one, and decide if your children should see this or not.

Where do you buy your music? Why not get it at! They sell everything there! Shop at for music, electronics, clothes, even food! Here are some items available at Amazon related to Taylor Swift and Nicki Minaj. Have a look, and check out other things for sale at Amazon as well. Happy Shopping!

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Friday, August 15, 2014


Taylor Swift Videos

Taylor Swift is coming out with her fifth studio album very soon! It doesn't have a name yet, but Taylor Swift will be Live on Yahoo in 3 days (Monday August 18th, 5PM Eastern Time) to talk about the album. Here's the link:

Taylor Swift is everywhere these days! She was on the Teen Choice awards last week. See the video below of Taylor Swift on The Tonight Show with Jummy Fallon, doing a segmant of the Ew Skit! She plays Natalie Benson - she is 13, and she likes to chill out all the time and eat apricots. She drew a Pegacorn! It's part Pegasus and part Unicorn. Taylor Swift is quite a cute little nerd girl with braces!

5 years ago, Taylor Swift gave us one very romantic song and video, "Love Story". It is about two young people who meet at school, prompting Taylor Swift to have a flasback to the early 1800's. She dances with her new found friend in her flashback, much like Mister Darcy would dance with Elizabeth in the Jane Austen classic, "Pride and Prejudice". In the song, the characters are named Romeo and Juliet, so there is the allusion to that Shakespeare play as well. Juliet's father tells Romeo to stay away from Juliet, but they do sneak off for romantic rendezvous. It all works out in the end!

In addition to a brand new album, Taylor Swift is also in a movie that just hit the big screen, "The Giver" in which she plays the role of Rosemary. This social science fiction film just came out on August 15th, is based on the book of the same name from 1993, and stars Jeff Bridges, Meryl Streep, Brenton Thwaites, Alexander Skarsgård, Odeya Rush, Katie Holmes and Taylor Swift. You can watch the The Giver Official Trailer on YouTube, here.

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Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Remembering Robin Williams

Today, the world lost a unique talent, Robin Williams. Robin has been entertaining us for 5 decades. In the 70s, we first met Robin when he played the role of space visitor Mork, from Ork. Mork landed in Boulder Colorado on a mission to observe human life and report back to leader Orson. Each week, he was involved in hilarious high jinx, but always saw something in the human race that showed how worthwhile we were.

In the 80s and beyond, Robin starred in many popular movies including Good Morning Vietnam, Mrs. Doubtfire, The World According to Garp, Patch Adams, Awakenings, The Dead Poet Society and many more. Robin performed stand up comedy at break neck speed, improvising often and going off on extended joke sprees at the slightest trigger. He appeared often on late night shows leaving the host and audience gasping for air after laughing heartily.

Recently Robin Williams was a performer on American Idol Gives Back, a charity show with the American Idol judges. He played the role of the winner of Russian Idol, and did several minutes of jokes and improv. Today we present two representative videos from the long laugh filled career of Robin Williams. The first video is the pilot episode of Mork and Mindy, starring Robin Williams and Pam Dawber, with guest stars Henry Winkler as The Fonz and Penny Marshall as Laverne De Fasio. The second video is of Robin Williams on American Idol. Watch, laugh, and celebrate the life of Robin Williams.

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Sunday, August 10, 2014


Lizzie McGuire Hilary Duff Chasing The Sun

Once Upon A Time, there was a girl named Lizzie McGuire. Lizzie was a teen girl who was sweet but shy and a little klutzy. She had a little brother she often fought with, named Matt. They lived a typical middle class American life along with their mom and dad, who just happened to look like that guy in Revenge of the Nerds. She had a Mexican-American BFF named Miranda and a boy best friend since they were babies named Gordo. This good girl and her nice friends and family got into funny situations with happy endings for three years - then they were gone.

Once Upon A Time, there was a girl named Hilary Duff. She was born and raised in Texas where she took acting, singing and dance classes with her older sister Haylie. Disney found her and made her a teen idol in a very popular show about a sweet, shy, clumsy girl and her friends and family. Hilary also had a successful singing career, with hits like "So Yesterday," and "Our Lips Are Sealed" with sister Haylie. Hilary continued in the public eye in several movie and TV roles. She has never really been gone, but she was less visible as she did other things in her life including starting a clothes line, writing a trilogy, taking up charitable causes, marrying, having a son and separating.

Look who's back with the one of the most watched videos on YouTube last week! It's Lizzie McGuire! I mean, it's Hilary Duff! Hilary has a new song called "Chasing the Sun" from her fifth album. The song and video were released on June 29th, and the video already has 15 Million views! This is a catchy summer tune with a funny music video in which cubicle worker Hilary daydreams about fun in the sun while things go wrong in the office. Check out this great summer video hit!

I thought the music video was well done and humorous, but there is also a Bloopers video! Have a laugh when things go wrong in the shooting of the Hilary Duff music video "Chasing the Sun".

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Tuesday, August 05, 2014


DragonForce - New Speed Metal Album

I've been a fan of Speed Metal before the term was even coined. Back in the day I loved, "7 and 7 is" by Love, "Journey to the Center of your Mind" by The Amboy Dukes, "Communication Breakdown" by Led Zeppelin, and "Set Me Free" by Sweet. Anything loud and fast was what I sought out. Then The Ramones fit the bill for me, followed by British Metal bands like Iron Maiden and Judas Priest. When Speed and Thrash Metal hit, I was listening to early Metallica, Exodus, Slayer, Megadeth and Anthrax.

As fast as those bands were, I was still blown away the first time I heard "Through the Fire and the Flames" by British Extreme Power Metal kings, DragonForce. I first thought they must have sped it up in the studio - no one could play That Fast! But I've spoken to people who have seen them Live, and the word is, they do indeed shred at the speed of Light! The video for that manic metal masterpiece hit YouTube at the end of 2006 and now has over 62 Million views. If you never saw it, I put it below for your Metal enjoyment!

But first, here is the NEW song from DragonForce! Maximum Overload will be the name of DragonForce's sixth studio release, due out in a few weeks. The first single is The Game, shown below. These guys have not slowed down! They still play some of the fastest songs I've ever heard! Uploaded to YouTube on June 18th, this video is approaching a half Million views. Of special interest - the word is that DragonForce cover the Johnny Cash classic, Ring of Fire, on this recording; that should be interesting! Long Live Speed Metal; Long live DragonForce! \m/

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Monday, August 04, 2014


Dance For Me - Dancing With The Teens

A few nights ago, I watched an excellent Documentary on PBS for the second time. "Dance For Me" is the story of 15 year old Egor Kondratenko, a competitive Ballroom dancer from Russia, and the major relationships he has in his life as he starts to build his dancing career. Egor has moved by himself to Denmark where he is living with the family of 14 year old Mie Lincke Funch, his current dance partner. Egor is the only child of Angelika who is also a talented dancer. Mie is the only child of Sanne who acts as the mother figure for both teens. Egor and Mie have formed a sibling type of relationship although the kind of dances they do require some degree of Chemistry to "work".

Egor has a very close relationship with his mom and they visit often via Skype, but still miss each other, although Angelika expresses it more, as can be expected. His father is a Russian soldier and Egor considers him his role model. Egor tries to be strong like his dad, and lively and artistic like his mom, all while transitioning from boyhood to manhood while living in another country wth another family and juggling the time demands of school and dance practice.

Mie is somewhat like Egor's mom, in that she expresses her feelings openly. Egor is more reserved and keeps things to himself. Together they try to find the best way to compete and win in several tournaments, and they do have great success. These two different people come together in difficult circumstances to blend steadfast dedication and long hours of practice with passion for their joyful movements as they assume their roles as dance partners.

I highly recommend this documentary to anyone of any age, especially for fans of Dancing With The Stars. You will gain an appreciation for what it takes to become a champion at your craft. Although the setting of the movie is dance competition, the relationship of the real life characters will draw you in and have you rooting for them to succeed on and off the dance floor! Remember, this is a documentary about real people, the best form of reality television. Watch the trailer, below. Then watch the full film at PBS until August 20th. Or purchase the film at using the link to the left. For more information on the film and the teen dancers, check out the PBS site for this excellent documentary, and see who each dancer is dancing for.

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Friday, August 01, 2014


The Ladybugs Cover The Beatles

Last night on MeTV, I watched Episode 27 from Season 1 of that second rural America hit from Paul Henning, Petticoat Junction. In the early 1960s, Henning hit it big with The Beverly Hillbillies, and CBS ordered another similar sitcom. Petticoat Junction is the story of a Widow named Kate Bradley raising three teenage girls named Billy Jo, Bobby Jo and Betty Jo, with the help of Uncle Joe Carson. They live at, and run, the Shady Rest hotel, in the small town of Hooterville. Season 1 of Petticoat Junction aired from September 1963 to June 1964. The girls began the season wearing dresses to their knees and buttoned up to their necks. But in Episode 27, there was a big change, which reflected the big change in entertainment that had just occurred in the USA - The Beatles were on Ed Sullivan for three weeks and took the country by storm!

Joe decides that the girls, plus their friend, should start a singing group to rival The Beatles. Kate thinks this is all an April Fools joke, come early. The show aired on March 24th 1964 and The Ladybugs had actually been on the real Ed Sullivan show the Sunday before this Tuesday night episode! Jeannine Riley, Pat Woodell and Linda Kaye Henning, daughter of creator Paul Henning, were joined by the sheriff's daughter, played by Sheila James who had played Zelda Gilroy on Dobie Gillis and was recently a California State Senator. The girls, who were playing teenagers but were all in their early 20s, were dressed in sweatshirt mini-dresses with Ladybug emblems on them. They wore tight semi-sheer black leggings or tights and black high heel shoes. They performed two songs. The first was an original called, I'll be your Ladybug if you'll be my Beatle. The second song is the one in the video below. The Ladybugs actually did a cover of the early Beatles hit song, I Saw Her Standing There! CBS must have had some pull and budget to be able to license a huge international hit to be covered on their show. Check out the fun, as the girls try to impress agent Col. Partridge and import a group of screaming boys for added excitement during their audition.

Additional Petticoat Junction trivia: Bea Benaderet, mother Kate Bradley in the series, also was the voice of Betty Rubble in the first 4 seasons of The Flintstones! Later in the series, the two older sisters were played by different actresses but creator Henning's daughter Linda played Betty Jo the entire time. She was cast in a romantic relationship with Mike Minor and later married him in real life and on the show. Mike was the son of My Three Sons producer, Don Fedderson! Paul Henning scored again with his third rural series, Green Acres. Shopkeeper Sam Drucker, played by Frank Cady, appeared in all three shows! Dennis Hopper and Adam West were both guest stars in season 1 of Petticoat Junction!

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