Thursday, October 19, 2006
Funny Videos!
Generally, I post about talented people who make entertaining videos staring themselves. Many of these people have become very popular YouTubeStars! They have thousands of fans who have subscribed to their videos so that they can find out quickly whenever their favorite videomakers put out a new movie.
But there are many other people who just drop by YouTube once in a while to get a laugh at work, or from home after they've finished paying their bills online. Or maybe a friend emailed them a link to a funny video or they read about one on a website somewhere. For those who aren't on YouTube all the time, I have 4 funny videos to present. Feel free to email a link to this post to all of your friends to give them a chuckle or three. =D Simply click on the envelope icon at the end of this post. Thanks!
Biff's Question Song (Stand-up Comedy)
Tom Wilson is a stand-up comedian who played Biff in the "Back to the Future" movies. He made this funny song/video to answer questions that he gets asked all the time. Have a look and a laugh!
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